Chapter 25

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When I said that I'm not getting into a relationship with Justin ever again, I meant it. We're done for good and that's that. Today marks a year since Justin and I broke up. I'm now 21 years old and focused on myself. Giselle is officially married so I live with her and Juan since I still can't afford a place of my own yet. BUT, by next year, I should be able to afford my own apartment... that's if Amber actually increases my salary and stops taking me for a joke.

Okay honestly, I'm broke. I mean, I have money but it's not enough to keep me stable... but I'm grateful for what I have.

     Anyway, enough about how miserable I am. Lucas and I are really good friends and no I don't find him attractive. I mean he is cute, but... well you know what I mean.
    Today, well tonight is girls night. So Giselle, Jade, and I all planned to go out for dinner.

"Where is Jade, she's always late." Giselle said to me as we sat at a table in a restaurant.

"I'll call her." I said.

"No need to do that, I'm here." Jade assured  as she walked over to the table and sat down.

"And I'm hungry." She added as she began to read through the menu.

   Giselle and I laughed as we also looked at the menu.
  After doing so, all three of us ordered our meals.

"Giselle, how's the married life?" Jade asked.

"I thought it would be horrible since Juan and I barely have money to support ourselves but no, the married life is perfect. We're happy together." Giselle blushed.

"Must be nice." Jade sighed.

"You eating all of that food must be nice." Giselle said sarcastically as she watched Jade devour her food.

"Slow down." Giselle added.

   Jade stuck her middle finger up at Giselle.

"Let Jade eat." I laughed.

   Giselle rolled her eyes.

"Jade, how are you and Mike?" I asked.

"What you should be asking her is when she's going to leave that wack ass little boy." Giselle said.

"We broke up yesterday." Jade said.

"Again?" I asked.

"For good?" Giselle asked.

"Yes to both of your questions." Jade said as she continued eating.

   I shook my head in disappointment as Giselle shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah. Next topic." Jade said.

"How is your love life Ella?" She added.


"Oh, so were just going to act like there is nothing between you and Lucas?" Giselle asked.

"There isn't, we're friends." I laughed.

"Well, you can invite him to my party tomorrow night at my apartment. EVEN THOUGH I DON'T LIKE HIM." Jade said as she finished up her food.

"Why are you throwing a party?" Giselle asked.

"Because I want to have some fun."

"Well I won't be there. Tomorrow is Juan's birthday and I want to do something special for him if you know what I mean." Giselle smirked.

"In that case, I will definitely be attending the party." I said.

    Giselle and Jade laughed.

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