Chapter 13

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    Today is Justin's 20th birthday, and of course I planned something for him even though he told me not to.

I KNOW. But I just had too.

     I didn't mention Justin's birthday to him all day. Instead, I had his mother call him to run an errand while I decorated his apartment. I also gathered his family and friends together so we could all surprise him.

"Ella!" Justin shouted as he walked through the front door.

"Surprise!" Justin's family, friends, and I all shouted.

Justin looked around at everyone and smiled. "Thanks everyone."

   The party started.

"Happy birthday baby!" I smiled as I walked over to Justin and kissed him.

"Thanks princess."

"I know you didn't want me to plan anything, but I just had to." I frowned.

Justin kissed me again. "It's okay."

   I smiled.

"Happy birthday son!" Mrs. Smith said as she walked over to Justin and hugged him.

"Thanks mom."

"You have a really good girlfriend! She did all of this on her own." Mrs. Smith smiled before she walked away.

I grinned. "Your mom is so sweet."

"She really likes you." Justin smiled.

Suddenly, someone rung the doorbell so I opened it.

"I know I'm late but happy birthday Justin!" Giselle smiled as she walked in.

"Thank you." Justin said.

   Giselle handed him a gift.

"Oh wow, thank you. You didn't have to get me anything."

"Ah, no worries. Your richer than everyone in this room so this is nothing." Giselle laughed as she playfully slapped his shoulder.

   Justin and I looked at each other as we tried to play off Giselle's joke as if it was funny.

"Oh, and I brought a guest. He should be here soon, but I'm going to use the bathroom so I'll be right back." Giselle said before walking away.

  Justin and I walked around to greet his guest.

  Momentarily, Giselle walked up to us with... Lucas from my job.

Giselle blushed. "Guys, this is Lucas. We met at the gym."

"It's nice to meet you, happy birthday by the way." Lucas said to Justin.

"Thank you." Justin said.

"Hi Ella." Lucas smiled.

"Hi." I smiled awkwardly.

"You both know each other?" Giselle asked.

I blinked twice as I tilted my head. "Yeah.. Lucas is the guy that I met at my job... Remember?"

Justin glanced at me.

"Oh! So this is the Lucas with the nice eyes!" Olivia gasped.

Justin side eyed me as Lucas smiled.

  I cleared my throat.

"So...Ella, did Giselle invite you here too?" Lucas asked.

"No. I actually planned this party... for my boyfriend, Justin." I smiled awkwardly as I wrapped my hands around Justin's arm.

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