Sweet Pea Christopher Reyes

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Rule screamed for a nurse, Jughead, and FP carrying Fang's into the hospital. The nurse at the desk continued looking at her phone, that was until Rule slammed her hand down so hard that it knocked over a vase in the process. "He's been shot, you underdeveloped neanderthal, now get me a doctor before you need one!"

"Hey! What's going on here?" Rule could've praised god on her knee's, for in that very moment Dr. Annie Green stepped in. "Annie! Fang's was shot in the stomach!" Annie's eyes widened a small fraction, snatching a gurney from the nurse that had previously been behind the desk with the promise to have a very long talk with her later about patient care. "Jesus, what is it with you guys and guns! Here, Fang's, right here." As soon as he was on the gurney, Annie disappeared with a number of people off to the OR.

If it wasn't for her uncle giving her a long speech about 'Being a leader', Rule would've been out that door and had Reggie Mantle pinned on a literal mantle. Each time she asked a nurse, Rule got the same answer, being that Fang's was still in surgery. A whole new wave of frustration set in when Sheriff Minetta came into the room, talking about how the Serpent's weren't making it easy to carry on the investigation regarding who shot Fang's. "Yeah? Well, Fang's wouldn't have a slug in his gut if you'd done your job in the first place." Jughead squeezed Rule's hand after she let her tongue loose, a sign for her to zip it. As soon as FP stepped in front of her to talk to Minetta, Rule letting go and hightailing it out of the hospital and into her truck. Her phone rang a few second's into the drive, not bothering to look at who it was before answering. "Hello?"

"Rule? It's me, Archie. I need your help. It wasn't Reggie who shot Fang's, I was there, but now everyone thinks he did it." Rule swore under her breath, processing the whole conversation. "Where is he? I'll come to get him." Archie stated he thought Reggie was at the high school, Rule pressing on the gas pedal a little harder. "Okay Arch, I'm almost there. Be safe," The line disconnected, Rule's heart caught in her stomach. Parking her truck, Rule ran inside at the speed of lightning, her jaw dropping at the sight in front of her.

"Sweet Pea Christopher Reyes!"

Sweet Pea winced at the use of his full name, turning around slowly with a guilty expression to face his girlfriend. "Hey, Angel-" Rule held up one finger, another hand on her cocked hip, and a single eyebrow raised. "Don't you Angel me, Reyes! What the hell do you think you guys are doing?" Archie, Kevin, and Moose showed up behind her, a fit of whole new anger blazing in Sweet Pea's eyes.

"Would you look at that, we have a couple of bulldogs to put down fellas!" Rule stepped in front of Sweet Pea when he started towards them. "You need to walk away, is this what Fang's would want-" Sweet Pea scoffed, Rule hiding a pang of hurt at the disgust on his face. "And what would you know about Fang's? You abandoned your friends years ago." Rule sucked in a breath, stepping back and looking at her feet. "You know exactly why I left, so go to hell!" Hands in front of her, Rule shoved Sweet Pea roughly, regret on his face as she started to walk away, ignoring his calls to come back and wiping off the fresh tears in her eyes.

That was the night where everything changed.


Rule sat on the edge of Cheryl's bed, the latter comforting the former over the loss of her friend and the possible end of her relationship. Sweet Pea had called her endlessly, a whole new wave of pain hitting her each time. Cheryl let go of her best friend's hand, walking over to the bathroom. The doorbell rang at that unfortunate moment, Rule hopping down the steps and over to the front door. "I swear if this is one of Penelope's gentlemen callers I'm gonna-" All the air escaped from her lungs when Rule opened the door to see the person who shot her less than a week ago with a fireman's ax in his hands, her scream piercing the air as she attempted to slam the door shut.

Her feet carried her upstairs, grabbing ahold of Cheryl's hand who'd just came out of the bathroom to see what was going on. Cheryl gasped when she saw the black hood in her house, shoving Rule into her bedroom and locking the door. Rule rushed over to the window, sliding it open as Cheryl riffled through her closet, tossing Rule her bow and arrow along with her cloak. "Hurry, Cher!" The two climbed out the window, limberly rushing across the roof and climbing down the trellis against the wall. Rule and Cheryl threw on their cloaks, notching an arrow from each of their quivers. Watching as the black hood came through the front door, Rule glanced over at Cheryl and spoke in a low tone of voice.

"Let's do this,"

Rule and Cheryl let two arrows fly, landing on either side of the masked man's head. The black hood whipped his head around in search of the two unidentical and non-blood-related twins, the girls stepping into the light. "I suggest you run whilst you still can," Rule nodded in agreeance, both girls notching another arrow as she spoke this time around. "We only miss when we mean to." They had to stifle an eye roll when he started to walk forward, two arrows sailing into his shoulders. He screamed in pain, Rule and Cheryl selecting two more arrows from their quivers in case he made another move. Smirks graced their faces when he ran away screaming like a little girl, Cheryl and Rule turning to look at one another. Simultaneously, each girl dropped their bows and wrapped their arms around one another, Rule not caring if her bullet wound stung like no other.

"I love you, Cher, never forget that." Rule kissed her best friend on the cheek, breathing in the cherry scent that radiated off her. "I love you too,"


A/N - I have no idea what Sweet Pea's real full name is, so I made one up. Also, shit's gonna hit the fan, my friends. There are only a couple of chapters left! Ahhhhh. Love ya'll. Still in the hospital but putting it to good use.

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