Take it easy Katniss

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Rule pulled the key from the ignition, grabbing her emerald green bow and quiver of arrows from the passenger seat of her truck. A smile graced her face as she walked deep into the woods to find Cheryl, who'd texted her saying that she needed a stress reliever and suggested they practice their archery skills, something Rule was happy to oblige to. Rule stumbled backwards when a red arrow lodges itself in a tree, mere inches from her face. "Take it easy Katniss!" Cheryl gives Rule a sheepish smile, helping her up from the ground. "Sorry, didn't see you there." Shaking her head and slowing her heart rate, Rule notched one of the arrows and aimed it at a nearby tree, seeing if she perfect her already perfect aim as she let it fly. "How," Rule turned her head to look at an awestruck Cheryl "are you still better than me?" 

The two stayed outside for hours, laughing and talking, Rule eventually putting on the long black cape that Cheryl had given her at one point. Cheryl had the exact same cape in a crimson red, the pair always feeling more badass when wearing them. "I missed this," Rule sighed, taking a bite from a shiny red apple she'd picked from one of the trees. "Me too, it feels like all we ever do around Riverdale is fight anymore and catch murderers."  Rule nodded in agreement, tossing her apple core on the ground so the birds could eat it. "We should probably get going before mother flips," Rule nods in understanding, offering to give Cheryl a ride home. 

Their eyes widen when they park the car, focused in on Hal Cooper leaving the premises. "What the fuck knuckle," Cheryl choked at Rules words, laughing uncontrollably. "Fuck knuckle?" Rule gave Cheryl a look, starting to laugh herself when she realized what she said. "Give me a break, I was in shock!" Cheryl rolled her eyes, exiting the car with Rule by her side and walking into the gorgeous house. The two cooked dinner together, Cheryl explaining a plan she had that involved Rule for later that night. So that's how three hours later, Rule and Cheryl were perched in two arm chairs in total darkness.

"Back again so soon?" Cheryl called out when Hal appeared in the hallway, forcing him to halt in his steps and turn to me. "Cheryl and Rule, what're you doing there sitting in the dark?" The pair who acted like twins smirked simultaneously, Rule tapping her sharpened black nails on the arm of the chair. "You do know Penelope is a harlot right? No offense Cher," Cheryl simply shrugged. "What you're doing could destroy your family, that's why we aren't going to tell Betty. But I suggest you hurry home to your wife and daughter before that changes." Hal glares at them for a solid thirty seconds before exiting through the door he came in through. "Well that was fun," Cheryl sighed, Rule laughing at her comment. "Indeed it was."


Rule stood with Sweet Pea at their next door lockers, the taller boy caging her against them as the clock ticked down to the final thirty minutes of school. "You're so small, it's adorable." Rule glared up at a smirking Sweet Pea, looking away to fight off a smile of her own. The smile fell when Rule watched Cheryl tell Betty what was going on, Sweet Pea following her gaze confusedly. "What is it?" Rule didn't have to reply seeing as Betty made her way over to her that very second. "I need you to come with me Rule," Rule nodded, not needing any further explanation than that and telling Betty she'd catch up. "I love you." Rule kissed Sweet Pea long and slow, forcing herself to stop before she couldn't. "I love you too, be careful."

The two girls sped over to Betty's house, flying inside to see Chic and Hal arguing. Well, more like Hal yelling at a cowering Chic. Rule kept her hand on her mother's dagger as they approached, Betty yelling at her father to get out. "Yeah go ahead!" Hal shouted back at Betty, not expecting anything else to happen. "Go or i'll tell mom about you and Penelope Blossom," the look on Mr. Cooper's face as he left was priceless and rather funny to Rule. "You guys good here? I need to go pick up Sweets," Rule waited until they nodded before driving back to the school to find Sweet Pea sitting next to someone Rule was really beginning to hate. The slam of the truck door brought Sweet Peas attention to his pissed off girlfriend. "Josie," Rules voice was sickly sweet with a rather menacing tone "you should go, because right now i'm praying for the lord to give me patience or an untraceable handgun and the patience thing is very unlikely." 

As Josie quite literally ran in the opposite direction Rule couldn't help but think that she should try out for the track team with all the spare time she used hitting on her man. Sweet Pea wrapped an arm around Rules shoulder, or tried to because she elbowed him in the ribs and got in the driver's seat instead. "Ow! What was that for?" Rule glared at Sweet Pea while he climbed in the car and scootched over to the middle seat, resting a hand on Rules thigh that managed to calm her only a fraction of an inch. "For flirting with someone who isn't me," Rule turned to smirk at Sweet Pea for the second half of her words. "because let's face it. Nobody is as good in bed and at everything else as me."

"When you're right, you're right."

A/N - But like, aren't we all Rule on the inside? Also, i've been asked if i'm going to follow the whole season three storyline so far and all i'm gonna say is boy you better prepare for ships to crash and drama y'all. But stick with me cause it's about to get even better.

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