Chapter V

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Our walk was a pleasant and quiet one as Levi had to start his act for when we got to the gate. As we were coming close I gave the human the signal and he got into his position and act. He was hunched over and shaking while I held onto his arm and supported his back. I guess I was getting into the act too as for when we reached the gate and I explained myself, it didn't take long to convince the gate keepers. After we had gotten in we continued the act until I knew for sure we'd be safe. I could tell Levi wasn't exactly having the best of times but he'd have to wait a bit longer.

" We're almost to the center, so just keep this up a while longer."

" Sure thing, totally something I can manage."

I chuckled and we continued onward.

When we arrived to the center of the village we quickly entered the huge building that I was to call home for the time being, and we quickly ran into my den as we call it. When I shut the door Levi let out a long sigh and stretched.

" Remind me to never do that again."

" We might need to keep doing that until we let my mother know of your presence."

" Wait a minute there, I thought we weren't going to tell anyone I was here."

" I'm not saying I'm going to do it right now, but if we do then there's a good chance that she'll spare you."

" And what does that mean?"

" Exactly as I said."

There was nothing else to it. If my mother deemed him a threat then he'd be caught and disposed of immediately. However he still had a sporting chance if we were to tell her now. I paced around in my den thinking of what we could do if we chose to tell her later, but as strict as she is we had no chance. Not only would he be killed, but I'd be looked down upon for letting him live in my presence. I kept pacing back and forth but I was halted when I heard the human speak.

" Alright."

" What?"

" Let's tell her. You seem very sure that we'll get off the hook if we tell her now. Hell, I bet you were thinking about excuses for if we told her later with your pacing."

" That you're right." I started to collect my thoughts and looked back at Levi, " Alright. Let's go, and be sure to take the disguise off. Keep the wrap on you though."

He nodded and did as I instructed. We left my den and went straight for the central hall. As we entered the hall my mother sat where my father would have, and gave consolation to terms, agreements, and more. I then realized she was having a meeting with the Elders but she had seen me, and so she motioned for the Elders to leave and for me to come out from the shadows. I bowed in her presence and made Levi do so as well.

" Μητέρα, υπάρχει κάτι που θέλω να συζητήσω μαζί σας."
("Mother, there's something I want to discuss with you.")

" Τι είναι γιος;"
("What is it son?")

" Στην αποστολή μου, είχα πιάσει ένα από τα Ασύρια του Ουρανού. Ισχυρίζεται ότι θέλει να μάθει τους τρόπους μας και να βοηθήσει τη φήμη του Tao."
("On my expedition, I had caught one of the Sky Beasts. He claims he wants to learn our ways, and to help the Tao clan.")

It was now that I had uncovered the human beside me and presented him before my mother. She gasped and wore a face of her already showing disappointment, but I want to make things clear with her as the next Chieftain.

" Ως γιος της Αρχηγίας του Τάο και ως επόμενος Αρχηγός, ζητώ να τον φροντίσω και να τον παρακολουθώ από κοντά."
("As the son of the Chieftainess of the Taos, and as the next Chieftain, I request that I look after him and keep a close eye on him.")

She looked sternly at me before standing from the chair and walking towards Levi. He remained still and looked ahead of him. She circled around him like a predator waiting for its prey to slip from the pressure, however, he did not falter. She then walked over to me and stood in front of me, still wearing the same expression.

" Πολυ καλα λοιπον. Ως γιος μου, θα διδάξετε αυτό το κτήνος τους τρόπους μας."
("Very well then. As my son, you will teach this Beast our ways.")

She looked back over to Levi and started to speak his language, which surprised me all the more.

" What is your name human?"

" Levi Ackerman."

He bowed once more not knowing what to do, and I stood next to him trying my best not to laugh. My mother continued.

" Today must be your lucky day, Levi. Learn well, and maybe then we can see if your insanity can be cured."

She turned and left for the Elders to finish with the meeting and to announce the human was not a threat to the village. To be honest things worked out a lot better than I had thought, and I guess I have Levi's mother to thank for that. My mother still wants to believe that there are people like the human's mother, and I guess she saw her through Levi. He did resemble her in so many ways.

We reached my den and I was tired from the long day, so I started to get things ready for us to sleep.

" So what's going to happen now?"

" Well for starters, we can walk around the village without you being attacked by everyone. And well, with you around it adds onto my schedule to teach you the way of the Taos."

" Do you think you could teach me to speak your language?"

" And why start with that? I mean I was going to teach how speak it later on but why start with that?"

" When you were speaking it it sounded beautiful in a way I can't describe."

I tensed up and turned away from the human as I started to busy myself in making him something for him to lay down on.

" Don't say such trivial words, they don't mean much."

" Well of course they do, and I meant them."

I could feel my cheeks heat up so I kept my gaze away from him, trying to cool himself down.

" Well if you stay here long enough for the ceremony then after you become one of us you can find yourself a partner."

" But what if I think I already have?"

I turned back around to face him and I wore a face of dismay. I turned back around and threw him the cover for him to use for the night and plopped myself onto my pile of bedding.

" Just go to sleep you human. We have to wake up early tomorrow."

" I'll stay up a bit longer, goodnight Eren."

I curled up tightly and I could feel my head swirling violently. Why would he say that? He just met me, unless he's talking about someone else, but that's impossible! He was with me the entirety of the day. I fell asleep with these thoughts in my head, and one thought remained vibrant.

AN: I've gotta keep to my word and not procrastinate so much. But I'll put up the new chapters today, though I will warn you that I am going to the movies today with my Mom to watch the new movie Glass. But I'll write whatever I can. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

¥•~To Be Continued~•¥

Despondent Beauty [Ereri/Riren Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now