Chaper VI

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AN: POV switch to Levi.

I was shook awake by Eren, the sun didn't seem to be out yet making me want to sleep in. However, this Tao wasn't going to let me off the hook. He took the cover off of me in one fell swoop and basically dragged me out of the straw bedding he made for me last night.

" I told you before hand human! We have to get up early! Come on~!"

" When you said early I didn't think you meant that it would still be dark." I looked at my wrist which had my digital watch on it and read the time aloud, " It's literally 4:57 AM."

" It's an hour before the sun rises, that's when everyone wakes up. So unless you really want to learn our ways you could start by waking up at the right time. Come on, my mother's not going to be pleased if we aren't there on time."

" Hold on, where are we going?"

" We're going to the central hall for our morning meal. So get up and let's go."

I teasingly rolled my eyes and got up as he asked for me to do so for the fourth time. When we finished getting ready in more or less a frenzy, we rushed for the hall and composed ourselves before coming out from the shadows. Eren's mother sat in the same chair from when I met her last night, but now there was a table in which the legs of it were of a tree branch while the top was of what appeared to be sanded and polished wood. There were two extra chairs vacant for the two of us, one to the left of the Taos' mother and the other on the right. We took our seats and looked from his mother to our plates and at times looked at each other from across the table.

I wanted to talk with Eren and ask him a few things but I don't exactly have the distinct impression that his mother knows that he speaks English, but I was soon proven wrong yet again as he had started talking to me.

" So Levi, after we eat I'm going to show you around the village and I'll show you some of the creatures that are friendly to us. After which I'll start in teaching you our language."

" Allow me, my son, to explain an extreme similarity between our language and another from their world."

" Of course mother."

I looked over to the Chieftainess and awaited her explanation.

" Our language is actually one of yours from your home planet, or so that's what I've been told from my friend. The language I'm referring to is what you call "Greek," and in fact that's exactly what we speak."

" Greek miss?"

" Yes. So with that it should help you in some way."

I was astonished, to think that they speak a language that's from our dying planet. I couldn't think of anyone that could speak Greek, not one, but my Uncle has told me a few times that he used to speak it fluently. Apparently to him I could as well, but it was when I was younger. I started to wonder if maybe my mother spoke the language, but I dismissed it as I wanted to finish eating and start the day with Eren.

We were finishing up in meeting the townspeople in the village and after we visited the last person we came into contact with we left through the gate and towards the forest yet again. We had great conversations about his village and the people in it and even made some jokes about some when we left them. I couldn't remember when was the last time I had this much fun with someone so unique as Eren. As we were walking on a padded down path used by his team for recon missions he would tell me these fascinating stories of legendary Tao people and their adventures, every time he told a story about them his eyes would glisten with amazement.

" ... and with it he brought the mighty Leonopteryx down! He was known as the Great Banshee Chieftain ever since, even to this day we tell of his tale to the kin of the village as to keep him in our memories. We sing the song of his mourning when a creature or Tao dies, in honor of him and of the deceased."

" I'll keep that in mind then, I'd like to learn the song from you sometime."

" Sh! Look there..." Eren pointed over to a tree and started to quietly sneak up to it.

As he was doing so he wore a happy smile and tried his best to keep in his laughter, but proved nonetheless unavoidable. When he was close to the tree I could see something small behind it and I soon got to see what it was when Eren jumped at it in a playful manner.

" Hah! Got you!"

" Γεια σου! Ασε με κάτω! Είναι ένας από αυτούς τους ανθρώπους!"
(" Hey! Put me down! It's one of those humans!")

" It's okay Peik, he's not like the others. And you can speak what I taught you." Eren held the creature in his arms and beckoned me to come over, " Don't worry, he's just a bit shy is all."

I walked up to the pair carefully but as I got closer the creature slipped from Eren's arms and ran behind another tree near by.

" Αυτό ακόμα δεν με κάνει να τον εμπιστεύομαι. Θα μπορούσε να χάλια με το κεφάλι σας Eren!"
(" That still doesn't make me trust him. He could be messing with your head Eren!")

The Tao sighed but chuckled at what appeared to me his little friend.

" I've known him for as long as I can remember. He claims that he was with my mother when I was born, kind of creepy in a sense but he's looked after me. He's as close of a father figure that I've had."

" Must be nice, I've been ordered around all my life. Until now that is."

" What's your father like?"

" I don't who my father is, all this time it's just been me and my Uncle. My Uncle is the commander of my kind, and I'm his foster son. My mother was his sister and he loved her dearly."

" I'm sorry, we keep going into our past like this. Anyway, Peik come on out! He's not going to hurt you."

The creature, Peik, came out of hiding and slowly made his way towards us. I crouched down to his level and when he approached me I gave him my hand for him to shake. However, in return he bit my finger tips in a teasing gesture. I shook my hand from the light pain of his sharp teeth but I joined in with their laughter. I had a feeling that this is where I belonged.

AN: Here we go, chapter six! I wanted Eren to have something close to a father figure and to reveal who/what it was in this chapter so I hope this works. I tried to find a small little wooden creature but idk if this is the best one I could find, so if you guys find something a bit more cuter then you can DM me about it through my YT channel's Instagram account. Kathrine_Nickerson I think it was. So anwayway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

¥•~To Be Continued~•¥

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