Chapter X

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AN: POV Switch to Levi.

When I heard the screams and gun shots in the distance, seeing Eren's petrified face, and felt my heart ache with betrayal, I knew that my Uncle had come for me. Though the question on how he knew where I was remained unanswered for the time being. The Taos of the village started to run in panic and so I quickly grabbed a hold of Eren's wrist and ran away from the chaos on the main clearing. At some point we had stopped and watched what was happening play out and surely enough my uncle was leading the operation, charging head on, but what we didn't expect was for him to take hold of Eren's mother as harshly as he did.

" No! Let her go!"

I quickly grabbed Eren from under his arms as he tried to run for his mother, he thrashed about as hard as he could to escape my hold but it proved futile.

" Eren we have to go!"

" We can't leave her here Levi! We can't! Now let me go!!!"

I wasn't going to listen to him and started dragging him with me, and all the while he shrieked for Kenny to stop while calling out to his mother. Eventually he started to run with me, still trying to hide his tears, but we were soon surrounded and one man in the group happened to be my uncle.

" I told ya that I'd want intel on these creatures, did I not, Levi?"

Eren looked over to me wearing an expression I never wanted to see on his face, the face of betrayal, of hurt. I shut my eyes, let go of Eren, and reopened my eyes to face Kenny directly.

" Commander if anything I'd like to know how you found me, and why would you allow me to be in close proximity of the Taos?"

" I'll answer yer questions when we get back to base, but we're bringin' these creatures with us for experimentation."

" You can't do that! You'll end up killing about three quarters of those you capture! It's genocide!"

" I won't have ya talkin' back like that! Now you heard yer orders so hop to!"

Whenever he said things were final, they were final. No questions asked. I looked down to the ground and gripped my hands into fists. I hated Kenny so much, he was so set on doing what he was placed in charge to do by his grandfather, and he expects me to take over his place in due time. I looked up to Eren slightly and he was still wearing that same look on his face, I knew he understood what we were saying, hell, he learned our language from someone within my people so of course he'd understand.

" Eren, I..."

" Did you know this would happen? Did you?!"

" I didn't! I found it odd that he'd allow me outside the base but I never knew of this! You have to believe me!"

Just then the guard of whom I had beaten a bet with the day before showed up with three other men, and I knew who they were after.

" Stand aside Levi, we're taking him into custody."

I quickly stood in front of Eren and raised my voice, " Stand down now! If you've forgotten I'm your superior now!"

" The Commander denounced you while you were gone, so you'd better stand down before I beat your ass!"

The man signaled for the other three to grab hold of Eren and he was quickly apprehended, but he fought against them, trying to come to me.

" Συνένωση!"

My feet sprung into action all on their own and I kicked one man down, the next I brought his face to my knee, the other I punched, and then the last one I pounced onto him and chopped the side of his neck to knock him out cold. It wouldn't last, the brief peace, as the other men with my uncle heard the commotion and were coming after us.

" Eren!" I sprung at him and held him in my arms.

" Levi, please, you have to save my mother! Please! If they separate us you have to save her!"

" I'm not leaving you behind Eren! I'll save you and the rest of the Taos, I swear it!"

We tried to say what we wanted to tell each other for the past couple of days but we were cut short due to Kenny's elite squad as they came to take us into custody. I fought back ferociously and ended up being knocked out. The last thing I saw before my vision went dark was of Eren calling out to me in desperation.

When I woke, or at least I think I did, I felt cold and my mind was numb. More or less my entire body was. I had no idea what was going on but I could hear muddled voices all around me. It sounded as if I was underwater trying to hear the others on the surface. I tried to breathe but it was like I couldn't, or my body was but through some other means. My mind was growing hazy and dizzy from all these unknown feelings and thoughts and I drifted off into slumber.

After some time I tried to wake again and this time my eyes absorbed the bright light that was above me. As my eyes grew adjusted I looked around my surroundings and realized I was in the medical bay, though I recall not getting injured I felt a slight pain in my neck. I tried to move but I was held down by someone.

" ... still.... syringe... trac... devic..."

The voices were still muddled and I couldn't see anything due to the bright light and not being able to move my head or body. I was confused as to what was going on but I suddenly had a clear mind and when I tried to recall how I got here, it was blank. Whoever was holding me down released me and helped me sit up but I wanted answers. I looked around once more and this time my eyes landed on a man, my uncle. I was immediately filled with hatred but I needed my questions answered.

" Kenny, why am I here? How did you find me out there? And why did you take all the Taos from that village?!"

" I'll answer all those with one answer: Yer just like them."

AN: OHHH!!! Cliffhanger!!! Guess you'll have to wait till the next update for clarification on what's brewing. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

¥•~To Be Continued~•¥

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