Chapter XIX

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AN: POV switch to Eren.

As we walked towards the ceremony hall, the more I began to notice Levi becoming more and more silent. All I could do to try and ease his growing nervousness is to keep talking to him, and let him get to know me better. After all we did rush our relationship, in a sense. As we kept walking, we soon approached the ceremony hall so I led us to the room I'd have to prepare him in.

Inside the room sat a couch, as Levi has told me, a table with bowls of paint, and another table with the ceremonial accessories Levi will have to wear. I grabbed his hands and led him to the couch for him to sit on and laid a kiss on his lips before sitting on his lap. He began to kiss me back and held me close to himself, all the while I worked on slipping his shirt off. I released myself from the kiss and began kissing his neck gently, being careful not to leave any marks. Once I reached his collarbone, I stopped myself from continuing on.

" I'm sorry, Levi, but we have to stop there for now. I have to paint you."

" It's fine, we can pick it up after the ceremony."

" ... Alright... Now hold still, the paint might be cold so please bear with it."

I dipped my fingers into the white paint bowl before bringing them to his chest. He flinched but afterwards he was stock still. About twenty minutes passed by and I was finishing with the painting on his face. His arms, chest, back, neck, and face were painted with the tracings required for the becoming ceremony. When I finished, I dipped my hands into a bucket of water that sat next to the couch and cleaned the paint off of them. After which, I dried my hands using my tunic.

" How do I look?" He asked.

" Incomplete, hold on." I reached over for the table with the accessories and picked one that complimented his eyes.

I placed the piece behind his ear, tucking it underneath his hair to keep it in place. I looked back over to the table and found a piece that my father once wore in one of the great paintings we have hung on the wall of the throne room. I took it into my grasp and decided to put it on Levi, so I undid the clasp and put it around his neck. After I clasped it together again, I stood up and took Levi's hands in mine to help him up.

" Now, you're ready. I wish Peik was here to see you."

" He'd probably give me a hassle." He chuckled.

" Yeah, but it would be worth it. So, are you ready? It's about time."

He nodded and so I smiled and led the way to the platform.

Once we arrived at the platform, I released my hold on Levi's hands and walked up to the edge of the platform to meet my mother.

" Are you and the boy ready?"

" Yes, and mother? Do you think I could give the speech and the ceremony?"

" Why of course, Prince Eren."

" Mom! Don't say embarrassing things, not now!"

My mother giggled a bit before backing away and allowing me my wish. I cleared my throat and began to speak.

" Τα θέματα μου! Σήμερα συγκεντρωνόμαστε εδώ για να καλωσορίσουμε ένα νέο Τάο, ένα από τα οποία προέρχεται από τον εχθρό μας, όμως είναι διαφορετικό από το είδος του. Βρισκόμαστε σήμερα εδώ για να δούμε το γεγονός ότι αυτά τα Κτήνη της Sky μπορούν πραγματικά να αλλάξουν! Έχω γνωρίσει αυτόν τον άνθρωπο από την τελευταία μου περιπολία μερικούς μήνες πίσω και κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της περιόδου δεν έχει δείξει κανένα μέσο εχθρότητας! Έτσι, σήμερα θα είναι η μέρα που θα σας αποδείξει ότι έχει κερδίσει το plce του μεταξύ των ανθρώπων Tao μέσω αυτής της τελετής!"
(" My subjects! Today we are gathered here to welcome a new Tao, one of which comes from our enemy, yet he is different from his kind. We are here today to witness the fact that these Sky Beasts can indeed be changed! I have known this human since my last patrol a few months back, and during this time he has shown no means of hostility! So, today will be the day where he will prove to you that he has earned his place among the Tao people through this ceremony!")

I turned around to face the direction that Levi was and motioned for him to walk up next to me. He did so, and all the while I heard my people murmuring and whispering. I ignored them and proceeded with the ceremony.

" Από εδώ και πέρα, είσαι μέρος του Taos. Έχετε κερδίσει τη θέση σας ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους μου και ελπίζουμε να αποφύγουμε τον επικείμενο πόλεμο μεταξύ του λαού μου και του δικού σας."
(" From here on, you are a part of the Taos. You have earned your place among my people, and we hope to avoid the impending war between my people and yours.")

" Θα διασφαλίσω ότι θα σας προστατεύσω και το Taos, την ανωτερότητά σας."
(" I will ensure that I protect you and the Taos, your highness.")

I watched as Levi lowered himself onto one knee and gently took my hand in his to kiss it. It took everything inside of me to not leap at him and hold him tight. The ceremony went on a bit longer and before we knew it, it was over and Levi was now a trusted Tao.

We had gone back to my room to change and get ready to take a bath in the hot spring, and as we were heading that way, a hand had covered my mouth and before I knew it I was knocked out cold.

AN: Here's chapter nineteen. So, with this things are going to start heating up. What do you think happened? Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

¥•~To Be Continued~•¥

Despondent Beauty [Ereri/Riren Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now