Chapter XII

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AN: POV has changed to Eren.

I stood up easily with the help of Levi, and when I was eye level, I used my hand to gently pull down the piece of clothing covering the newly appeared mark on the his chest. As I looked at it, I noticed that it was expanding into the form of some creature. Levi shook me off before I could see what form it would take, so I asked him about it again.

" Was that always there?"

" No."

" Then where did it come from?"

" I don't know, all that I do know is that we need to get you and your people out of here." Levi turned to look below us and gave them instructions my mother would be able to translate.

Of course, I would've done so for him but my mind was too preoccupied at the moment. That marking on his chest really set me on edge. I think I've seen it somewhere else before but I can't remember where. Wherever I saw it, I remember it being something bad for someone.

When Levi finished giving his instructions, he threw down a rope for my people to climb up. The injured would have to stay until those who were still able to fight finished holding off the Sky Beasts. Levi led the way out of our confinement and when he opened the door, the leader of the Sky Beasts stood there with his people. I was immediately filled with rage and a desire to kill this man, as he was the one who killed my father and took my mother away from me. I took a step forward and drew my claws from my fingers and feet.

" So, I finally get to meet you, after all this time. I get to meet the human who killed my father."

" So ya can speak our language. I should've known she would try and talk with ya and yer mother, trying to peacefully coexist with yer kind."

" You leave her out of this you monster!"

" Why? Did you figure out who she really was, your teacher, and what she was to Levi?"

I wanted this human to stop talking, but I knew he wasn't going to, so if that's what was going to happen then there's nothing I can do about it. If this man wants Levi to hear about how his mother really died then that's up to him. I just wish I could protect him from the truth.

" Hey, Levi, ya ever wonder how yer mother died?"

" You told me before, she died after I was born."

" Well there's more to it, she was in really poor condition during the days leading up to yer birth. All because she spent more than an hour out there without a mask. The day before you were born, she came back badly injured and heavily poisoned by the air. Ya wanna guess how she got injured?"

Up until this point I was bracing myself for when this man would just tell Levi what happened, but I lost it and jumped at the man. With this, my people rushed at the humans and fought to the death against them. I slashed my claws at the man beneath me, hoping to get a scratch on him, but I was pulled back from someone behind me. Soon enough, my people started to retreat and we went back for the rest.

We had made it out with more loses than we had before, so we were heading back for our kingdom where my father and mother lived before I was born. Levi walked next to me, and I could only assume he was trying to figure out what that man said to him. I didn't want him to know about what my father did to his mother, I just wanted him to believe what that man told him before.

Eventually, we had made it to the kingdom and the Taos inside greeted us with a sense of relief that my mother and I came back safely. Everyone in the city took care of the injured while the royal advisors took my mother to check her over. I was left on my own with Levi, so I decided to take him to my den, or room, since I had two beds in there. After I took him there, I told him that I was going to take a bath and where it was in case he'd need anything, so I left the room.

The advisors prepared it for me once I told them I wanted a bath, so once I was outside, I went in without removing my tunic. The water was warm from the sun, the flowers smelled of the Rudas tulips, and the wind was but a gentle breeze.

After about ten minutes, I heard a shutter open and then the clucking of a bird. I looked over to where the sound was coming from and saw a brilliantly coloured bird making its way toward me. I watched it as it jumped onto the rocks and came up to me. I slowly brought my hand to it and gently stroked its blue neck, it's feathers soft as the softest material we had.

" It's called a peacock."

I looked back over toward the shutter and saw Levi leaning against the frame of it.

" Peacock. It's beautiful."

" It's feathers resemble yours significantly. I thought you'd like it."

" How'd you get it?"

" Back in my base, we brought two of about every animal we have back on Earth. Because of that, we called our mission Noah's Ark. Anyway, that's our only male we had. The female is back in the base."

" She's alone?"

" ... Yes."

" You should've brought them both, they'd be happier together."

The peacock rubbed it's head against my arm, and since I was done with my bath, I rose my arm and brought it towards the bird for it to perch on it. I stood up slowly and looked over to Levi.

" I want to see the mark on your chest."

His face turned to one of concern and worry, standing up straight as well, before sighing and walking up to me. He moved the piece of clothing covering the mark and showed me. As I had thought, it stopped taking its form, and it was in the form of a hawk.

" ... Just like her's..."

" What?"

" ! Nothing, talking to myself."

" You said that it was just like her's, who's?"

AN: We're learning more and more about what's happening with Levi and what his mother did and was. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

¥•~To Be Continued~•¥

Despondent Beauty [Ereri/Riren Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now