Chapter VII

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AN: POV switch to Eren.

Peik seemed to get along with Levi pretty well, even though he'd never admit it, but they were having fun. We were sitting by a stream of water as we ate our mid-day meal talking about the different creatures that lived in this forest and in different parts of the planet, as I was telling the human of them I was also teaching him the basics of the language we spoke. Speaking of language and creatures, Peik had started to talk in English without realizing it, and I wasn't going to tell him either as he needed to meet other folks aside from me, my mother, and the elders.

" Okay I'm lost, what letter were we on again?"

" I told you twice now, we're only on Λ, or what you humans would say Lamda. Now pronounce it after me: μεγάλο."

" Megálo. Like that?"

" Yeah, you can stick with the English pronunciation until your accent becomes natural to you. μεγάλο. Say it again."

 " Megálo."

" Again, and this time don't think too hard on saying it correctly. Go with your instincts and you'll get it."

The human took in a few breathes, I'm guessing to try and clear his mind, and opened his mouth again.

" μεγάλο."

I was shocked and yet surprised at the same time, but I didn't want him to leave it at that so I had him say ten more times to stick it in his head. By the time we finished our meals we had finished going over the alphabet and he had pretty much gotten every letter name correctly, it was as if he was born knowing he language. Then again his mother knew how to speak Greek fluently and so did his uncle so maybe that influenced him a little bit when he was younger, that way it would explain him being so curious about the language. Peik was poking fun at Levi about him learning so slowly and as a sort of punishment for that I held him tightly in my arms until he called for surrender. While I let Peik go, Levi had asked me of something.

" Do you think you could write my name in Greek in the dirt? I want to see how you'd write it."

" Sure, could you hand me that stick over there?"

" This one?"

" Yeah." The human picked it up and handed it to me, " Thank you." I cleared some of the leaves to clear a patch of dirt for me to write.

" Since your name means 'joining' you'd spell the word it means instead, because for your name it would be the same way you humans write it. There you go."

" Could you say it?"

" Συνένωση. Synénosi."

Levi repeated it a few times and eventually he wore a simple smile and thanked me. He then asked for my name to be spelled and so I started to write it in the dirt beneath his name.

" Since my name was two meanings I go by the first one, mainly because my mother implored that I do. My name can mean saint or holy man. I go by the meaning saint so it's spelled like this. Αγιος. Agios."

He did the same thing in repeating it a few times, but this time he took the stick and told me to turn around. At first I refused thinking he'd hit me from behind with the thing but he looked at me with a straight face saying that he'd never do something like that, saying it was barbaric, so I complied and turned around. I could hear Peik squeak in either excitement or embarrassment, I wasn't sure, but I wanted to turn around to see what Levi was doing before I heard him whine at Peik for getting rid of it. This caused me to turn around in curiosity and I saw Levi holding Peik up in his hand, the stick on the ground. Actually Peik had bitten onto Levi's arm without his teeth showing, he had them retracted, and so I could only laugh.

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