Chapter XI

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" I'm.... what?..."

" Ya heard me, an' it's just as I said."

" Then what do you mean that ' I'm just like them?'"

" I told ya already, but I'll spell it out for ya. You were placed under strictly classified experimentation as we still needed a way to force those creatures' cooperation. So that got us to thinking that if something were like 'em they would allow the specimen into their life and that would be how we got our intel. However, making you the prime specimen was clearly a mistake and we don't have time to make the serum again and wait for it to spread through another person's body."

" What serum? What did you do to me?"

" As we've figured out, these creatures look similar to a bird we call a peacock, but since we don't have any of those around the closest we could get was a hawk. So the scientists whipped something together and after you were born I injected the serum into yer body so it would have time to flourish inside yer body. Though it seemed like nothing was happening over time we realized a crucial variable in the matter, and that was that ya needed to be exposed to the world beyond the base. That's why you were given clearance to go out there, as I hoped within a couple of days this power ya now posses would come out of hiding. So tell me, did ya ever feel like you were an actual part of this world?"

My mind was growing more and more confused, and with all that confusion was a painful headache. I did my best to put it aside to answer my uncle.

" So what if I did?"

" This is excellent progress. Doc, let's move on to stage two."

" Hold on a minute you damn old geezer! How did you find me and what's going to happen to the Taos?!"

" We injected a tracking device inta yer neck and soon enough you won't care what happens to them, after all, you are going to find the rest of them for humanity. Just ya wait, just ya wait." Kenny walked up to me and patted my shoulder as he walked past me.

After he left the room the doctors came at me, forcing me to lay down on the cold metal table. I wasn't going to lay back and let Kenny do what he wants with me, and I sure as Hell am not breaking my promise to Eren. So with this conviction I fought ferociously, shaking, twisting, and eventually managed to free an arm to throw some punches. Once I got a few doctors knocked out, I hopped onto my feet on the cold tile flooring and finished off the last doctor in the room by bringing his head against my knee. I quickly put my clothes back on, since I was wearing a hospital gown, and grabbed my bag. 

As I was running down the halls, searching for the area where the Taos were kept, I kept a sharp eye open in case my uncle heard of my escape. Things seemed to be quiet so I finally came across a section of the base where we kept all the Taos we detained. I looked inside from the small window, but saw nothing. I strained my eyes to search for any movement in the dark room, and all the while listening carefully. All of course was before the alarms went off.

" Attention! This is not a drill! Crime charged; Treason against Humanity. Soldier; Captain Ackerman, Levi. Immediate capture required. Attention!..."

" Shit!"

I ran off to find cover in a near by room as I heard soldiers running down the corridors. Once I was inside a room I quickly hid in a dark corner and listened carefully, but my mind had other plans than doing what I wanted it to. Instead of focusing on the moment at hand, I kept watching the events of what happened back at the village, and with Eren. I kept thinking that I'd give anything to see the Tao's smile again, so I was going to make sure that I'd get to the brunette.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

I woke up in a bright room, and as I was regaining my sense of time, I heard the screaming of my people on either side of me. No matter how much I tried to move to get to them, my restraints kept me in place. Once my vision cleared up better, I looked down and saw that I was hanging above the rest of my people and what I saw was the most morbid image I'd wish to remove from my memory. What I saw below me was of my people being eaten by beats in which we had never seen before. Some of them had fur enclosing their heads from their necks while others were orange with black stripes. My people tried to fight them off but were unsuccessful, while others continued to fight to the death as the tradition was kept till the bitter end. I shut my eyes tightly as I couldn't stand to watch anymore but I then heard a name the I hoped I wouldn't from below.

" Κύριε Κάρλα, παρακαλώ σταθείτε πίσω! (Chieftainess Carla, please stand back!)."

" Μαμά! Είμαι εδώ! (Mom! I'm up here!)."

My mother looked up as my childhood friend kept her away from danger, allowing some of our strongest fighters to hold off the creatures.

" Eren!" She called out, " You have to find a way out of here! We can't lose you to these savages!"

" I can't leave you here to die either!"

" Would you listen to me for once in your life?! I need you to escape from here and do as you dictate once you're free!"

I couldn't believe she was saying these things to me, even after losing Dad. She was always careful on making sure nothing sounded like a final goodbye, but now was different.

" No! I'll save you, just you wait!" Then my childhood friend spoke up too.

" Eren, listen to your mother! Get out of here, gather some strong fighters, and come back for whoever is left!"

" Δεν προδίδω κανέναν από σας! (I'm not betraying any of you!)." With this everyone looked up to me, and it seemed as though the vicious beasts halted their assault as well. I cleared my throat and spoke once more, "Δεν θα κάνω το ίδιο πράγμα πριν από τριάντα επτά χρόνια ο αρχηγός της Grisha! Όχι, θα πολεμήσω μαζί με τους ανθρώπους μου όχι μόνο ως επόμενος αρχηγός, αλλά ως φίλος και ως οικογένεια! (I won't do the same thing Chieftain Grisha did thirty-seven years ago! No, I'll fight along side with my people not only as the next Chieftain, but as a friend and as family!)."

After that, everyone below me shouted their battle cries and gained the upper hand in the fight against the unknown beasts. I then started to use my strength, and the help of my feathers, to release my restraints. It was starting to prove almost impossible until all of a sudden they opened and I landed on a hard surface. I heard footsteps and with a sudden fear of being caught, my instinct kicked in and I beared my claws on both my feet and hands, but I soon retracted them when I saw who was next to me. My eyes had to be fooling me, but each time I blinked I realized they weren't.

" ... H-how? Why did you come back?"

" I made a promise with you, and I'm going to keep it." The black haired human next to me took out what the Sky Beasts called a "gun" and when he pressed something a bright red light shot up in the air, " Halt! That's real good... Go back into your cages now!"

I looked down and saw that the beasts were following his order, and I myself was surprised by this. Once the beasts were contained, my people started to group together in one spot and looked up to me and the human, whom of which I still couldn't believe came to our rescue. He looked over to me as if waiting for something, of which I had no clue what he was waiting for, but then I noticed something.

" What is that?"

" What's what?"

" ... You have a mark on your chest... What did they do to you, Levi?"

AN: Heyo! Here's chapter eleven and things are starting to get intense (and heated later on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hehehaha) AHEM! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

¥•~To Be Continued~•¥

Despondent Beauty [Ereri/Riren Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now