Chapter XX

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AN: POV switch to Levi.

As I was walking down the hall with Eren behind me, I spoke about a few things that were on my mind. However, I wasn't receiving the replies I usually got from the brunette so I turned around and saw that he was gone. I began to worry as I remembered that he told me he had nothing else to do today, so I decided to use my enhanced hearing. As I listened, I could make out a group of people trying to stifle their breathing behind the pillars that I was now facing. I turned around once more and walked a couple of steps until I heard them trying to run for it, and once I did I immediately sprung my wings open and with a huge flap of my wings I was already caught up to them.

I knocked out two of the four before having to face off what I supposed was their muscles. As I kept fighting, the human got weaker and eventually he was knocked down to the ground by my hand. I turned to face the last one when my eyes and my opponent's eyes widened.

" ... E-Erwin?"

" Levi... Who would've thought that you'd be here? I'll get to the point; what's with you're wings, talons, and feathers?"

" You didn't know? This is the end result in my uncle's experimentation in creating a weapon stronger than the Taos. However, his plan backfired."

" As I see. Well this makes my job a lot more difficult now that you're here. I suppose you can have your little prince back then."

I watched as Erwin walked up to me, Eren in his arms, and begin to hand me my love back. However, I knew this game so I quickly grabbed Eren and jumped back and then into the air. When I did I saw a knife in Erwin's hand, just as I thought. I laid Eren on top of a pillar, as they connected into platforms from one to the next, and descended to the ground.

" What is it that my uncle wants with Eren now?"

" Eren?"

" The Tao you were about to go off with."

" Oh him, the commander wants him for his blood for his new project to work. He mentioned that those of royal blood have the purest and most crucial ingredient needed for his new experiment. Honestly, I never knew the commander was one for experiments; thought that was Hanji's job."

" Speaking of Hanji, where is she?"

" On the ground knocked out cold." Erwin pointed to the brunette woman who lay limp on the path.

" Shit. I got too worked up," Levi started, " and it's all your faults." He glared, hard.

" Our fault? We're only carrying out our orders unlike you, who abandoned your mission for your own."

I bared my teeth like a cornered animal before I lowered my stance and opened my wings a bit, preparing for another spar. However, I flinched when the man in front of me started laughing.

" What's so god damn funny?"

" The fact that you think I'm going to attack you again." He regained his composure and looked at me sternly. " Listen up, Levi. We took up the commander's order as a way to reach you."

" Why?"

" He's planning a large scale attack, and everyone back at headquarters has been antsy. They're not prepared to wipe out an entire species only because they're simply in the way, so we took it upon ourselves to come find you, tell you this, go back, and come back again with stronger back up."

Despondent Beauty [Ereri/Riren Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now