office hours// MBJ

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A 68??? I failed the first test of the semester and I was truly shocked. Okay, maybe I didn't really study. And maybe I am on Twitter during the whole lecture. I also might have missed some classes, but a sixty ATE? I couldn't believe it. I had to see this professor ASAP. I went online to check the class syllabus to see when his office hours were.

Professor Micheal B. Jordan
Office Hours: Tuesday 2-5 Brown Hall 245

I emailed him to let him know that I'd be there tomorrow at 11am to discuss my test grade as I had lab 2-5. Mr. Jordan seemed nice and maybe he'd let me do test corrections if I asked.


I woke up around 8am out of habit.  I scrolled on Twitter for a bit, smoked my morning bowl, showered, dressed, ate and headed out to meet Mr. Jordan. He replied to my email saying that it was cool that I came early. I wore a little black dress that wasn't too tight, but still showed my curves. I usually didn't get cute for anything but it might help for this grade. I was kind of nervous because I didn't know how to ask for extra points without sounding like someone begging for a grade they didn't earn. I walked about 10 minutes across campus to Brown Hall and got on the elevator up to his office. I got lost for a bit but found my way to room 245. It was slightly ajar, so I knocked before entering.

"Come in." I heard him say. I open the door and his office is bigger than I expected. He has a couch and two chairs, a large mahogany desk, and ceiling to floor windows. All along the walls were different comic books from Superman to Black Panther. His desk had different knick knacks and even a mini zen garden. I walked in and offered him a smile.

"Good morning sir."

"Good morning, have a seat. You're here to talk about your test right?" He gets right to business. I nod. "What's your name?" I give him my name and he begins to file through stacks of paper.

"I'm in your MW 11:00 class if that helps." I offer.

"It does. Thanks." he says flatly.

I take another closer look at him. I never noticed but he's kind of fine. Today he's wearing a simple dark blue tee with light wash jeans. His muscles begging to push through his shirt and he had a gold chain on. He looks like he just got a fresh line up because his cut was immaculate. His skin is like smooth chocolate. The longer I looked at him the hotter I got.

"Gotcha!" he exclaims bringing me out my thoughts. He slowly looks at the test, then looks at me and frowns.

"I know I know. It's horrible huh? That's exactly why I'm here. Can I see it?" I ask him. He nods and hands it to me. I look at it slowly as well. He looks my name up on his computer to see all of my grades while I see the answers I got wrong. I shake my head and look to him. "Honestly, I'm disappointed in my damn self. Oops, excuse my French." Dammit, I come in here cussing, he really not bout to help me with this grade. He chuckles at me and that's when I notice he had dimples and some white ass teeth.

"I'm disappointed too. Your quizzes and class assignments show way better understanding. Even your input in class discussions are thoughtful, what happened?" He presses as he leans closer to me on his desk. I sit trying to figure out an answer.

"I've lost focus honestly. It's hard for me to really study." I answer truthfully. He looks at me and nods.

"How about this? I give you 20 minutes right now to correct any answers on that paper and I'll give you partial credit." he offers. I'm so shook.

"Nahhh , you lying. For real? You'd fuck wit— damn. I mean you'd mess with me like that?" I blurt out, falling over my words. This time he smiles wide.

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