am i enough / sharife cooper pt. 1

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for: jordan23dude

"Yeah girl, you know my friend, Cherry, the cheerleader? She say he be talking to girls all the time when they play away games. If I were you, I'd just leave him." my best friend, Rain, told me while we were eating lunch. Sharife and I had been dating since sophomore year and I really loved him, I thought he loved me too. I remember the day he made the varsity basketball team that year. He biked all the way to my house just to tell me. He asked me out the same day and of course I said yes. We've been inseparable ever since. However, now that he's been getting offers to play college ball, he switched up big time. I looked over at his table and he was already looking at me and immediately flashed me a smile and waved. I returned a small smile and turned back around. 

"I don't know, sis. I really love him and I trust him, so I am in a really tough spot right now." I responded. I knew my friend supported our relationship, and she wouldn't have told me that if she didn't believe it to be true. 

"Yeah I hear you. Trust me, I argued Cherry ass down when she told me, cause you know bitches be lying!" I looked up at her as she said that and we laughed together. 

"You aint lying, but okay, I guess I will talk to him about it." As soon as I said that, my phone vibrated.

baby - You good? 

yeah, why you ask?

baby - that smile aint look like you was really happy with me. I had to make sure.

well, yeah i think we need to talk

Not too long after I sent the message, I hear Rain tell me 'Yo man coming over here'.

"Damn, I told him we needed to talk, but I thought he'd just wait til later." I said.

"You know he don't play about you. Better put your big girl panties on and get it over with." I rolled my eyes at her comment and soon felt a presence over me. 

"Hey Rain." I heard his voice before I saw his face. "Do you mind if I steal my baby from you right quick, I promise to bring her back."

"Go right ahead." She says with a sarcastic smile. 

I try to act clueless. "Why we can't talk right here?" I look up at him and he returns a glare my way. 

"C'mon, we need to talk right? Let's go do it in private." I reluctantly stand up, knowing he has a hold on me. He grabs my tray and throws it out while we walk out the cafeteria and head to the theater. The lights are off and it is quiet. "Alright, wassup?" I dont respond at first, not really prepared to have this conversation, but he's not going for it. "Did you just want me alone or--"

"I have just been hearing stuff around, ok? Every time you go to an away game, its a different girl. I try not to listen to what people are saying but I just dont know... you dont call me anymore when you're away. The texts are less frequent, but I thought I should at least talk to you first before assuming other people are correct." He was quiet at first, taking every thing I said. 

"Who told you this?" was the first thing he said. 

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does, now who?"

"You're more concerned about who told me than you are about denying the fact that you're cheating on me? I am shocked to say the least." I can't believe he didn't even cut me off once to say that what I heard isn't true. I was immediately done with this conversation. I couldn't wait to go home and just be alone with my thoughts, and think about what I was going to do next. 

"I haven't cheated on you once! I swear, I just know there are people out there trying to break us up. So I just wanted to find out who said that. You can look through my phone if you want." He says offering up his phone.

"I have no interest doing that, but I don't really want to talk about this anymore. Good luck at your game this weekend." I say standing up to walk out. He grabs my elbow to turn me around. 

"Please, dont be mad at me."

"..We'll see." I say getting out of his grip and moving towards the door. 

"No good luck kiss even?" He calls out to me. I turn around and pucker my lips, waiting for him to come to me. He walks up and kisses my lips 3 quick times, then one long kiss. "Thank you baby girl." I can't help but blush at the  nickname as I turn around and leave him there. I still have a lot to think about though. 


Day of Game, Saturday night 

bestie for the restie wants to FaceTime... 

I see her call and immediately answer. 

"Hey girl wassup?" I answer on my MacBook. 

"You will not believe what I just saw" she says.

"Damn, I can't get a hello back?

"Theres no time for formalities! but you might want to be seated when I send you this" My heart starts pumping. This can't be good, I think. My phone vibrates with the message and I go to her messages. I can tell the video is in a gym hallway and I already know what this video is. 

"I don't think I can watch it....Is it something I want to see?" 

"No, but I think you should, otherwise you will always be uncertain."  I knew she was right so I open the video. And I tears began to fall from my face. I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched my boyfriend of two years lift some random bitch chin and give her a long french kiss before kissing her forehead and ending in a hug. Whoever took the video did not want to be caught because they were seemingly peeking around a corner and the video had an abrupt end. I was speechless for a minute and it was silent on the phone until Rain's voice broke through. 

"I vote, we break up wit his ass! Cause he blatantly lied to you and we tooooo grown for that." I nodded my head at her words but my mind was still clouded with so many questions. How could he? Why would he? A forehead kiss? This nigga was straight violating. I open his thread and send him a text. 

It's done.

As suspected, about 5 minutes after I sent the message, he is calling my phone. I ignore the call  and place my phone on Do Not Disturb. I didn't want to be bothered about it and had to think about how I would face him, come Monday. I told Rain what I did and she empathized with me, knowing how much I put into this relationship and how happy I was. 

"I think I won't go to school Monday." I tell her.

"Hell no! Go to school, looking bad as hell, with your head held high, don't let him think he won over you. You got this, I will be right there next to you the whole day. And if he tries to talk to you, I'll fend him off." 

Sigh. "Okay, you're right. But I got to go. I'm finna cry about it for a little bit then go to sleep, see you Monday."

"Aweee, okay. See you Monday." We hang up and I break down. After 15 minutes, my eyes ran dry and I slowly head to sleep. 


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