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Jeongin's POV(wOaH dIdNt ExPeCt ThAt)

I woke up to the sounds of soft cries. It didn't sound very masculine, so I assumed it (Y/n). I sat up slowly, not wanting to make any noise. When I looked around, I saw (Y/n) crying in her sleep. She must be having a nightmare. I slowly got up from my bed, walking up to the sobbing girl.

"(Y/n)," I whispered and shook her a little.

"Don't hurt me!" She whimpered. "Please, I've done nothing. Don't hurt me anymore." Her voice got progressively louder.

"(Y/n), it's Jeongin. I'm not going to hurt you." I said to her. She was still crying, so picked her up and hugged her. This made her wake up. She hugged me back tightly. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

She shook her head and continued crying on my shoulder. "What happened?" Chan asked me.

"She had a nightmare." I said to him. He walked over and tried to hug her as well, but my arms just wrapped tighter around the crying girl. "I've got her." I told him. He nodded and went back to sleep.

Chan didn't get much sleep, since he was constantly trying to figure out how to escape. Tonight was one of the rare nights he actually went to sleep, so I didn't want him to be taking care of (Y/n) all night. I can do that and then sleep later.

"Jeongin?" She said. I hummed in response. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I was a bit taken aback, but I nodded into her shoulder. "Thank you." She whispered as I carried her over to my bed. We both laid down in my bed awkwardly. Then, (Y/n) turned on her side and wrapped one arm around me, making me blush like crazy.

"I just need to know someone's there." She said, her head leaning onto my shoulder. I nodded and relaxed a little bit. Before I knew it, I heard small breaths next to my ear. I couldn't sleep, though. All that was running through my mind was one question.

Why would she think that I would hurt her?


I guess I fell asleep at some point, because I was awoken by the others. I looked next to me and instantly shushed them when I saw (Y/n) still sleeping soundly.

"Awww. The maknae really does care." Minho said with a smile.

"Shut up. She just had a nightmare last night, so leave her alone." I said, slowly getting up. I made sure not to wake her up.

"So, has anyone come up with a plan to get out?" Han asked. No one said anything. "We need to get her out of here before she has to fight. She could seriously get hurt, and I'm pretty sure none of us want that to happen." We all nodded.

"Especially Jeongin-ie and Felix." Chan winked at us. I glared at him, and Felix blushed. Wait, does he like (Y/n)?! No. No possible way. She's only cute, pretty, funny, has a good personality and exactly his type. Frick! He likes her, too! Too? No, I don't like her. Why am I concerned. AGGHH!

"Jeongin, are you okay?" Woojin asked. I guess I had spaced out a little. I nodded, and concentrated on the conversation again. I heard a yawn emerge from behind us, to see (Y/n) had woken up. She smiled at me, but i turned away. I can't catch feelings for her. Last time I caught feelings for someone, it didn't end well. So, I won't let it happen again.

"(Y/n)-ah!" Felix fan over to her side.

"Felix oppa! You're squishing me!" Her playful screams and giggles were muffled by Felix. Everyone in the room laughed, except for me. It was very cute, but I couldn't smile. I don't know why, but I couldn't. I walked into the bathroom, assuming no one would've noticed if I had left the room.

I need to calm down. It's not like I like her...right? Ugh! Why is this do frustrating? I just wanna escape from this place as soon as possible.

My thoughts stopped when the laughter went silent outside. I peeked my head out. It was the men. They were both staring at (Y/n).

"We need her to fight." One said.

"What? There was a fight yesterday." Chan exclaimed.

"Listen, kid. We're short on funds lately, so we found another fight, but it has to be a chick. So, hand over the bitch, and let her fight." The other man told Chan.

"She's not a-"

"Felix, don't argue with them. Just let me fight. I'll be fine." She gave Felix a reassuring smile. He nodded, and looked to his feet. She walked out with the men. I came out from the bathroom.

"You're just going to let them take her?" I yelled, cashing everyone to jump.

"Jeongin, we-"

"You had a choice. We need to protect her. She might die out there." I said, my voice scaring myself.

"Yeah, we know. It's not like she couldn't go. They needed a girl. We're just going to have to wait to see if she makes it." Changbin said. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. He's right. We'll just have to wait.

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