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It's been an hour. What the hell is taking her so long to come back? Chan's been pacing around the room, and Woojin, Changbin, and Seungmin have been calming Felix down. I was sitting on my bed, my back against the wall. I felt like crying, knowing she could be dead. I know that I should be thinking positively, but I can't help but think of the worst.

"Where the hell is she?" I exclaimed.

"Jeongin, you know we can't get too upset about this. It isn't the first time we've lost a friend." Minho said, his arms crossed.

"I know, but if she is dead, I will never forgive any of you. All of the others were our fault, I figured you would learn. I tried my damn best to protect Jackson. I stepped back when it came to (Y/n), because you guys need to learn to try your hardest." My vision blurred slightly from the tears over filling in them. "We've only known her for a week, but we need to at least try to keep her alive." I stated, a few tears falling from my eyes and hitting the cement floor with a few pats. I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

"Jeongin..." Chan began. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

"No, Jeongin's right. We should've tried harder. She's helped us countless times, and how do we repay her? Just letting her get murdered out there?!" Felix stood next to me now. "We need to learn to protect others and not just ourselves." He added. I nodded my head, along with everyone in the room.

We all jumped when the door open, turning our heads in that direction. (Y/n) came in with a busted up face, but it didn't look nearly as bad as I thought. I ran up to her and hugged her. She chuckled and hugged back.

"Are you okay?" I asked, pulling back form the hug.

"I've been better, but I'm alive." She smiled, before dropping in my arms. There were many curses coming from around the room as I carried her to my bed. I checked her pulse. It's still there. I sighed in relief.

"She just passed out. Give her some space when she wakes up." I told the group of worried boys. There were sighs of relief that spread through the room. At least she survived. That's what is most important. (I tHiNk I lOvE hEr. Nope, not in this fic.)

It took an hour for her to wake up. When she did, everyone gave her space, except for Felix. While she was unconscious, I cleaned her wounds as she did to mine. Except, you know, she didn't feel any pain. Felix hugged her tightly once she woke up.

"Felix, didn't Jeonginie say to give her some space?" Chan said seriously. Felix apologized and walked over to him.

"I'm fine." (Y/n) said, sitting up. "You guys are making a big deal out of nothing."

"We need to find out how to get out of here ASAP. (Y/n), you could've died." Minho said.

"I know." (Y/n) smiled. "What makes you think I don't like the pain?"

Okay so, this was pretty short, and it's a filler sort of, but I still hoped you enjoyed it. Also sorry for the cliffhanger, but I'm just evil like that, y'know :)

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