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Your POV

I woke up, my head pounding. I looked around, only to see a place that was all too familiar. I sat alone in a cell, the window covered, nothing but a bed in the corner.

"What the hell?" I said, putting a hand to an area where my head hurt the worst. When I looked at it, there was blood. Shit.

"Guys! The bitch is up!" Said a familiar voice, that I could only recognize as one of the guards from two years ago. I obviously never learned their names, because I wasn't very interested in knowing them at all.

"Wow, she got even prettier with age, " One snickered. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, and even more feisty."

"Shut the hell up," I spat. "I won't be in here for long. I have nine friends that have dealt with your shit before. I'm sure they're on their way as we speak."

"We know. We've recruited more people and have been planning this for about a year now," he explained. It's a trap.

"They're not dumb enough to fall for that," I told them, my voice full of confidence, but my brain filled with negative thoughts. I don't want the boys getting hurt. Especially Jeongin. He'll stop at nothing if he's determined enough.

"Last time I checked, you and the other kid were pretty close. I'm assuming he's the one that gave you those hickeys," the guard says smugly. I looked down and was silent. "I'm right. You're just a slut. Well, you know, we can help you out," He looked me up and down and bit his lip. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"You're disgusting. All of you. You can go rot in hell because I'm not going to let any of you even touch me," I growled, giving the men a disgusted look. "And even if they do come, you'll have to kill me before you can lay a hand on them."

"Ahh, so you do care for them. In that case, they'll be the first people we aim to kill," another guard smirked at me. I felt tears fill my eyes, but I pretended to be unaffected by the comment. "Now, it's time to be taken to our playroom, since you threatened us." This time, I let a tear fall, before wiping it quickly.

Jeongin's POV

I ran a hand through my hair, looking out the window to see that the sun had risen a bit. I sat up from the chair I was seated in and went upstairs to wake the others. I had travelled down to the kitchen at around three in the morning, since I couldn't sleep.

"Chan hyung. Chan hyung, wake up. It's morning," I shook him awake.

"Okay, go get the others up, I'll get everyone in here up. We'll eat, and then leave," He said tiredly, propping himself up on his elbows. I nodded, going to the other rooms.

Chan made some food that we all ate quickly, and there was also a lot of coffee being drank. We discussed everything while we were in the car. We were on our way to the most important fight we'll ever have. Let's just hope this goes well.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! It's just a filler for before the big fight happens. Hope you're enjoying the story! The next chapter will be the final official chapter, and then there might be an epilogue. Have a good day/night ^-^

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