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It was another typical day, everyone was at work, and I had nothing to do. Jeongin only called yesterday off, so I had no one to hang out with. I decided to order a bunch of food, mostly for me, but the others could eat my leftovers.

I ordered a bunch of sushi, kimchi, beef noodles, and some deserts. I was having them delivered because I can't drive, and we live nowhere near the town. While waiting for the food to arrive, I cleaned the house. It was a total train wreck. I was sweeping the hall when I heard a knock on the door.

"Finally!" I said to myself. I walked over to the door and opened, seeing a man with many tattoos, a mask, and a pair of sunglasses. I looked at his hands and saw no food. "Sorry, but, who are you?" The man didn't respond. "Sir? Are you okay?" I still didn't get a response. "I'm going to need you to-"


Everything around me went black.

Jeongin's POV

"If you guys want, we can go home, get changed and pick up (Y/n), then see a movie or something," Chan smiled at us. We all nodded excitedly like little children.

"I'll call her real quick to let her know," I told them. I walked away from the group and tried to call her, but she didn't pick up. She must be sleeping.

"Did she answer?" Hyunjin asked. I shook my head. She's okay, isn't she?

"Don't worry. She's smart, she knows how to defend herself," Minho reassured me, patting my back. I smiled slightly and nodded at him. 

When we got home, I ran excitedly through the door. She wasn't on the couch, so I went upstairs to our room, but still couldn't see her. 

"(Y/n)?!" I called out, hoping she was in the bathroom or something. She didn't call back. 

"J-Jeongin," Seungmin said, coming into my room. I looked at him, confused. "Ch-Chan needs you."

I followed him downstairs to see them all by the coffee table in the living room. They all looked up at me with sad facial expressions. 

"What is it?" I asked them. Chan handed me a note. 

Dear old friends,

It's been a while, hasn't it? About two years? Well, we found you. W missed you, and the girl, so much. In fact, we missed her so much that we decided to take her. She didn't seem to recognize us, which made everything easier. She's a pretty dumb bitch. I don't know why you would, but if you want her back, you need to meet us where we used to keep you. No money. No requirements. Just yourselves. But, if there's anyone except yourselves, we will kill the girl. It was nice talking to you again. 

Your friends, Unknown

Tears filled my eyes. They took her and could be doing anything to her right now. I ran an aggravated hand through my hair. 

"They actually took her," I whimpered. "She could die."

"We won't let that happen, Jeongin," Chan said, sounding very serious. "We'll call off work for a week."

"Yeah, but, does anyone even remember where they kept us was?" Felix asked.

"We can just get the police-" 

"No," I interrupted Jisung, "they said if we get the police involved, they'll kill her. We can't let that happen. I can't let that happen." 

"I remember where it is," Changbin added, everybody turning towards him. 

"We can start packing tonight and leave early tomorrow morning," Woojin told us. 

"Why can't we leave tonight?" I asked.

"If we're about to fight these people, we need strength, and you gain strength by sleeping and resting. You'll have to be a bit more patient, Jeongin," Woojin told me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off, letting out a huff.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, turning to the opposite direction. "I'm going to go pack. I'm not hungry, so don't bother making me dinner." 

I went upstairs and sat on the bed. I felt like crying. I told her I would keep her safe. I promised her.

"Dammit!" I cried out, letting the tears fall down my face. If she dies, I don't know what I'll do with myself. I started packing a few pairs of clothes, and an extra pair for her.

"Jeongin, you need to go to sleep. It's to in the morning," Chan said from the other side of the door.

"Okay, goodnight," I said, sounding dead.  I heard him sigh, and then walk away. Did he really expect me to sleep? It's impossible. I just hope things go well.

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