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I hate weekdays. I hate them so much. Every weekday, and sometimes weekends, too, they all go to work and I'm here alone. It's so boring. And lonely.

I usually cook, clean, watch TV, etc. But today, I felt so bleh. I've asked about getting a job myself, but they said that I need to stay home and make sure none of them find us. If they did, and it was just me, I would end up being murdered, anyways. What's the point?

I kicked the sheets in my bed, throwing a little fit. It was only 9 am, and they won't be back until 7 pm. It's not fair! I'm nineteen, and I'm still forced to stay at home all day. I'm honestly a little thirsty.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I was looking around and found the small stash of alcohol. I thought about it, but shook my head, going to the fridge. I found some apple juice, and was about to pour myself a glass, but my phone went off. It started ringing. I looked at the contact name, it was Chan.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey, I have good news and bad news." Chan said, a small sigh coming out of his mouth. I hummed questionably. "The boys and I are getting more money tonight," I smiled, "but, we have to stay here until ten."

My smile fell. I'm going to be alone until ten?

"O-okay," I said, trying to sound happy.

"We can say no if you want-"

"No, it's fine. We need the money." I cut his request off. I heard a slight sigh of relief.

"Okay, I just thought I'd tell you. Goodbye, love you," Chan said.

"Love you too(in a brother-sister way)" I said, before hanging up. I sighed, feeling a single tear fall down my face.

I looked back over to the alcohol, mostly wine, and put my apple juice up. I drank and drank and drank, probably way more than I should've.

Jeongin's POV

I happily stepped through the door. Work had to be really long today, due to a bunch of people calling off. We made more money, though, which was good.

"(Y/n), we're home!" I said, happy to be able to see my girlfriend after the long Monday. I didn't hear a response, and grew a little worried. I looked over at the couch, and I could see she was under it. "Wow, I wonder where she went." I said, sarcastically. There were a lot of giggles, as if she was a small child.

I uncovered her, her hair was a mess, and an empty wine glass was in her hand.

"I missed you, Jeonginie~" she said cutely. I smiled at her. She was drunk, that was pretty obvious. Wait, Chan's going to be in here any minute! She's gonna be in so much trouble!

I picked her up and practically ran to our room. She was hiccuping and giggling the whole time.

"How much did you drink, baby?" I asked her, placing her in the bed, and finding some clothes to change into. She put up two fingers. "Two glasses?" She shook her head 'no'. My eyes widened. "Two bottles?!" She nodded and giggled again. "You're gonna be in so much trouble!"

"Are you mad at me?" She frowned. I sighed, shaking my head.

"Chan hyung might be, though." I warned her. Her frown grew, and she stood up, hugging me.

"Park (Y/n)!" Chan yelled from downstairs. She looked at me, tears in her eyes.

"It's okay, don't cry. He's not very good at being mad at you. None of us are," I smiled at her, pecking her lips. Her lips tasted like red wine. The flavor was so strong, it was like I could get drunk off just her lips. I kissed her again, tasting the sweet wine. She giggled and kissed me back, her hand reaching for the back of my head.

"(Y/n)!" Chan walked into our room, the two of us pulling away immediately.

"Yah! Ever heard of knocking?" I asked him angrily.

"(Y/n), did you drink all the wine?" Chan ignored me, walking over to the girl. She looked down and nodded. He looked over to me and asked, "How drunk is she?"

"Very," I answered honestly.

"Jeonginnn~" She pouted.

"Why were you kissing her, then? You know how some people get when they're drunk." Chan scolded. Did he seriously think I would do that?! I'm not a disgusting pervert!

"I wouldn't do that to her! I'm not going to take advantage of her, Chan." He looked a bit taken aback that I didn't use honorifics. "Hyung." I corrected myself. He sighed.

"I'm sorry, Jeongin, I should know you better than that." He said, turning to (Y/n). "You, on the other hand, are in big trouble when I come up with a punishment."

He's okay with her drinking enough to get a bit tipsy, sometimes drunk, but no one is allowed to drink two whole bottles.

"Okay, I'm sorry," She pouted. "I just got really bored and stressed and sad and upset in general that I was going to be alone all day for even longer than usual."

"I'm sorry," Chan frowned, "but you should know better." She nodded and walked into the bathroom.

"I'll make sure she gets to bed. And I'll get her some water and Advil for the morning." I reassured Chan. He nodded and smiled at me, before walking out of the room.

"I'm tired," (Y/n) whined, coming out of the bathroom with pajama shorts and one of my shirts on.

"You can go to bed, baby." I told her, kissing the top of her head. She nodded, and drunkly waddled herself to our bed. I laughed a little, before changing into my own pajamas.

When I got into bed, (Y/n) was already asleep. I laughed again, snuggling up to her, before going to sleep myself.

I'm gonna be out of school by the time the next chapter is out dhhjudhhhubsyssjbh. And I'm moving, so it might be a lil difficult for me to write, but I love this  book, and I hate to say it, but I'm probably gonna end it soon. :') This was exactly 1000 words before the A/N btw. But, yeah, hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter.

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