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-Time Skip Two Years-

I scoff and roll my eyes as the men carry me to my room. I look up confused, though, as they pass the cell that I was in.

"Hey, dumbass you passed it," I stated, annoyance in my voice.

"I know," one of them say darkly. He looks down at me and smirks, something dark and disgusting showing in his eyes. My anger and annoyance turned to fear and uncomfortableness.

"Wh-Why?" I ask.

"Because," he began, "We have to punish little girls like you that have been bad."

"What do you mean by that?" I ask again. He smirks again and looks back up, continuing to walk forward. Fear completely filled my body. The back of my feet hit the ground, attempting to get the men dragging me to stop.

"Help!" I screamed and cried. No one could, though. I knew that. But it was worth a shot. I could try and get help. But no one did.

"Here we are," the man said huskily. It was a very dark room. There were many strange looking objects, and one singular bed. More like, a table with a blanket on it.

"Now, be a good little girl, and help us relieve the stress you've given us," He other man said, grabbing one of the objects. They stripped me down harshly, along with themselves.


I sit up, gasping. There are tears streaming down my face. Someone is holding my arm. I already know who it is.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Jeongin asks from beside me. I can't speak. I couldn't even move. "Hey, what happened?"

"I-I had a nightmare," I muttered. Why does my brain hate me?

"About?" He asked, taking my hand in his.

"The men," I said, barely above a whisper. He let out a sad sigh.

"Baby, they can't get you. I won't let them get you. Neither will anyone else here." He said, holding my face gently. I smiled at him softly, snuggling close to him.

"I love you," I told him, before falling back asleep on his chest.


I woke up to small and soft kisses on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see a smiling Jeongin, who kissed my lips as soon as I looked at him. I giggled and hugged him, embracing his warmth. We just stayed there.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered to me.

"Better," I whispered back, kissing him on the cheek. He smiled and kissed my nose. This turned into a fight real quick. We were both kissing each other all over our faces.

"I love you," He said between kisses.

"I love you more," I said between kisses.

"Eww, you guys can stop now," Seungmin said from behind us. I rolled my eyes.

"If you don't like it, get out of our room, idiot." I said, sitting up in the bed, the covers falling onto my lap.

"Chan told me to get you guys," Seungmin said, an annoyed look sprawled on his face. "Don't talk to me like that, I'm your oppa."

"I don't call anyone oppa anymore, dummy," I said, rolling my eyes again. Seungmin mocked me in a stupid voice, before walking out the door. I felt a kiss on my neck, taking me by surprise.

I looked over to Jeongin, a smug smirk on his face. Mine was bright red.

"I win," he said, hopping out of our shared bed and running out of the room. I could feel how wide my eyes were. That's something that we're not allowed to do, but he just did it.

I slowly slid out of bed and put on a hoodie, which wasn't mine, and also walked out of the room. I walked down the stairs to see everyone sitting at the table, eating their breakfast.

"Good morning," Chan sang out to me.

"Good morning," I smiled at him, taking a seat.

"Why is your face so red?" Minho asked me. I looked over to Jeongin, and he just smiled smugly, once again. I felt my face grow hotter.

"N-No reason. Just...not feeling good, I guess." Chan grew a concerned look when I said that. He walked over to me and place a hand on my forehead, then placing his lips on my forehead as well.

"Yah!" Jeongin yelled.

"I need to make sure she doesn't have a fever! The lips are sensitive to heat," Chan said,and Jeongin calmed down. "You don't feel warm."

"I don't know, then," I shrugged, glaring over at my boyfriend. Chan followed my eyes, and caught on.

"Jeongin, what the hell did you do?" Chan asked the boy, clearly annoyed.

"What?! I did nothing! I'm innocent," he smiled at Chan. Chan rolled his eyes, not falling for any of it.

"If you don't tell me the truth, I'm moving you two away from each other," Chan threatened. Jeongin le tout a small whine, looking over at me. I shrugged a him, crossing my arms.

"Fine," Jeongin said, pouting and looking down at his feet. "I may or may not have kissed her neck."

Hyunjin choked on his orange juice. Everyone else just kind of stared.

"You what?" Chan asked.

"I'm sorry, I know it's against the rules, but we were having a little play fight, and I wanted to win, so I just kissed her neck and...I'm sorry," Jeongin said sadly, looking to his feet. Chan sighed, looking closely at my neck.

"There's no hickeys. You're fine. Don't do it again," Chan said strictly. Jeongin nodded, and ran over to me, hugging me tightly.

"Now, can we please eat breakfast?" I asked, rubbing my stomach. "I'm fu...FREAKING starving." Chan glared at me, before sitting down at the table.

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