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Your POV

My brother and I were taken to the police station. They had to file us as found and send us back to our "parents." I didn't want to, though. I didn't want to go back to that place. I'll get neglected and beaten. I'd prefer prison.

"So, are you excited to see mom and dad again?" I asked Jae. It pained me to see him so happy about such awful people.

"Yeah," he smiled a toothy smile. I gave him a half smile, and his face fell. "I forgot. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'll just run off again." I said. He looked at me, confused.

"What?" He asked silently.

"Listen, I know I haven't seen you in the years, and you have no idea how much I fucking missed you," I started, causing him smile a bit, "but, you don't understand the hate I have for our mother and father. I've been abused physically, mentally, and emotionally. I don't think I could ever forgive them. Plus, I think that I wanna stick with the boys."

Jae smiled at that. I saw tears in his eyes, and hugged him tightly.

"I love you so much," he cried out. "And I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't want to leave you. I didn't know that they would do this to you. I understand if you want to go with them. I can tell that you love the kid. Just promise me that you'll come and visit me. Not them, me."

I nodded. "But how am I supposed to visit only you when you're going to live with them?" I asked.

"I'm gonna use my college funds to buy an apartment, and I'll get a job. That way, you can visit me and only me." He smiled and hugged me again. "Now, go to them. Call me."

"Okay," I smiled happily and kissed his cheek, running over to the boys afterwards.

"(Y/n)? I thought you were supposed to see your parents with Jae?" Chan asked.

"I'm staying with you guys. Jae said I could," I smiled real big, and Jeongin hugged me.

"Really?" He asked excitedly. I nodded just as excitedly. He smiled and kissed me.

"Ew, the babies are giving each other cooties!" Jisung screamed, pointing at us. We pulled away and I blushed, hiding my face in Jeongin's chest. He giggled and held me like a baby.

"Hey!" I heard Jae yell. All of us looked at him, confused. "Treat my sister like a princess," he smiled, before walking out of the police station, on his way to see our parents. We all laughed.

"Trust me, I will," Jeongin mumbled down to me. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Stoppp, cooties are gross," Seungmin whined. Jeongin and I rolled our eyes.

"Wait, how are we going to, you know, live?" Changbin asked.

"That's a very relevant question, and I honestly have no idea," Chan answered.

"I have an uncle that could lend us one of his houses!" Hyunjin smiled.

"One of his houses? How many does he have?" Minho asked.

"Like, ten." Hyunjin said.

"Woah," I said.

"They're all giant, too. If we room together, we could definitely live in one of them," Hyunjin said.

"Just call him." Chan said, nodding towards a pay phone.

"Okay," Hyunjin grabbed a quarter off the ground, and went over to call his uncle.

"So, who's rooming together?" Woojin asked.

"I'll room with (Y/n)," Jeongin smiled sweetly.

"No, you're too young. You and Felix can room. (Y/n), you're with me. Woojin and Minho. Jisung and Hyunjin. Changbin and Seungmin can room." Chan said, pointing at each of us as he named us off.

"Okay, He's on his way to pick us up. He's just going to lend us one in the middle of a forest. It has five or six bedrooms." Hyunjin said, walking back over to the group.

"Chan hyung!" Jeongin whined cutely. "Can I please room with (Y/n)?" I was trying my best to not just hug him.

"No, you guys are too young," Chan crossed his arms.

"We're not going to do anything gross." I explained, sounding just as whiney as Jeongin. Chan sighed.

"They're just gonna sneak into the others' room anyways." Minho told Chan.

"Fine," Chan agreed, crossing his arms. Jeongin and I cheered and thanked him. "But, the first time I hear anything gross come from your room, you guys are switching to different rooms."

"Yes, sir." Jeongin and I said at the same time, causing everyone to giggle. There was a honk form outside.

"That's my uncle." Hyunjin smiled and ran out the door. We all followed and his uncle drove us to the house.

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