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Jeongin's POV

We drove and drove, slowly arriving to the building none of us wanted to see again. As we got close enough to see the building, the guards started to see us. Some I could recognize, others, not so much. They must've gotten new people.

"Are those the kids we're supposed to keep watch for?" One guard asked another. They all had big guns, but we all brought our own guns. We didn't want to kill anyone, just hurt them if they hurt us or her.

"Yeah, But they all look different from the last time I saw them, almost didn't recognize them," the other guard answered.

"Probably 'cause we get fed properly and aren't skin and bones," Jisung spat out.

"Well, that and we changed our hair," Felix said, sounding a lot less cool.

"Yeah, that too," Jisung spat again.

"You're still a bunch of kids. You won't get her back, you're not strong enough. You're out numbered," The guard chuckled out.

"Listen, we won't hurt anyone if we don't have to. Just give us the girl, and we can all go home," Woojin tried to reason. The guard scoffed and smirked.

"You guys really are stupid, huh? This is a trap, the whole thing. In the end, you, and her, will end up dead. She might be already, but you'll never know," He said, pointing a gun at us, the other guards doing so as well. My anger grew at the thought of them killing her, or doing anything to her. I raised my gun, pointing it to the one that couldn't keep his damn mouth shut.

"She's not dead. Stop trying to discourage us by saying shit like that," I growled at him.

"Jeongin, put your gu-"

"No, the little shit doesn't have the balls to shoot me," The man cut Chan off.

"You wanna bet?" I squinted, tilting my head slightly.

"Yeah, do it," He said, smiling evilly at me. I closed one eye, fixing my aim. "But, first, let me tell you what they're doing to your little girlfriend in there," I stopped. "They've probably got her chained her down to a bed, tearing her insides to shreds, while doing as much harm as possible, physical and mental."

"Shut up!" I yelled, a tear falling down my face.

"She's in there screaming as we speak. Screaming for help. She has been for the past hour or two," he smirked again.

"I said, shut up!" More tears fell down my face.

"And boy oh boy," he paused, looking me in the eyes, "she felt so nice."

"Go to hell, you bastard!" I shot him twice in the chest, running over to the building.

"Jeongin, wait!" Hyunjin yelled after me. Most of the guards were occupied trying to keep the stupid one alive, but the one's that were occupied with trying to shoot me, now had holes in some part of their bodies. The boys ran after me, all of us entering, only to be greeted by more guards. It was a shoot off. We won, because most of their new guards had barely any shooting experience.

"(Y/n)!" I shouted, looking around intensely. "(Y/n)!" I shouted a bit louder this time. The others were off somewhere else fighting other guards.

"Jeongin?!" She shouted back. I sighed in relief.

"Where are you?!" I yelled again.

"Down here!" She shouted from the end of the hall. I ran over to her, she was in the same cell we were all in. I took a key that I had taken from one of the guards and unlocked the door, letting her out.

"Holy shit, you're safe," I exclaimed happily, hugging her tightly and kissing her on the forehead. I felt her tears soak my shirt. I pulled my head out of the hug and kissed her multiple times on the lips. "I love you so damn much."

"I love you too, but we need to find the others and leave," she stated, grabbing my hand. I nodded and I led her to the others. She looked around, seeing all the wounded men. "Holy shit," she whispered.

"Oh my god, you're alive," Felix hugged her, along with the others.

"You too," She smiled. He smiled back.

"We need to go, I hear more people and we're all out of ammo," Minho said, nodding towards the exit. We all nodded and began running to the door. We all ran out and looked around. No one was able to be seen.

"Where'd they go?" I mumbled to myself. I shrugged it off, assuming they all went into the building.

"You look so tired," (Y/n) said to me, stopping in her place.

"I couldn't really sleep without you," I looked to my feet, attempting to hide the slight blush on my face.

"Aww, Jeonginie," she smiled and kissed my cheek. "You don't have to worry about that anymore," she smiled brightly, giving me a light peck. I smiled back at her and hugged her.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I whispered to her.

"Me too," she said. "Jeongin, watch out!" She pulled out of the hug and pushed me aside as a gun shot went off. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. I watched as she fell to the ground, a whole right in her stomach, caused by a bullet.

"(Y/n)!" I said, instantly sitting by her side, while someone shot whoever shot her. She was bleeding a lot. "No, no, no, no, no," I said, covering her wound with my hand in attempt to stop the bleeding. "You're gonna be okay."

"Jeongin," she began in a strained voice.

"No, you're gonna be okay," I felt tears filling my eyes.

"Jeongin, I-I love you. Please, remember that." She coughed, more bold coming out of her stomach. I bent down and kissed her.

"Please don't go," I cried out.

"I love you more than you'll ever know," she said, her head falling into my lap, as the life slowly left her eyes.

"No! God damnit!" I cried out, hanging my head low as I sobbed. "God damnit," I said quietly this time. The boys were crying as well, shock and sadness on their face. "Sh-She's gone."


"We could've saved her, damnit! We could've been free if I wouldn't have hugged her. We could all be at home, happily packing our stuff and looking for a new house. We could all be happy," I looked back down to her lifeless body. I sobbed even harder, running my hand through her hair.

  "I'm sorry."

The End

I'm not crying, yOU ARE. But, for real, sorry for killing the main character. I was crying while writing this. But, the end has reached us. I hope you guys enjoyed, and please don't kill me for the ending. I loved writing this book, but not every story can have a happy ending. I love you guys, and thank you for reading my book.

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