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I walk into my house and sigh as I hear my parents fighting. Again. I walk straight to my room, flinching as I hear furniture being pushed over. This is the third time this week. I hate my family. Aunts, uncles, etc. I hate them all.

I jump as my door slams open, causing a hole to break into my wall. My dad's drunk, per usual. He glares at me, bottle in his hand. But, it's shattered.

"Hey, (Y/n)." My dad says, his words slurring together.

"Please, stay away from me." I whimper, already knowing his intentions. He grinned darkly at me, raising the broken bottle. I reached behind me to see if there was anything hard enough to knock him out. I felt a thick hard cover book and gripped it tightly, before throwing it at his head. It hit him right between his eyes, knocking him out.

I took my backpack and stuffed clothes and other necessities in it. I may or may not have stole money from my father's wallet. Anyways, I need to leave this hell hole of a home. I assumed he had knocked my mother out, since she hadn't run in here yet. I made sure to grab the car keys by the door too, before running out.

I started the car and drove off. I had no idea where I was goin, but I knew one thing. I am not staying there and I am never going back.

So, I ran out of gas. Now, I'm just walking down an empty street in the middle of nowhere. I've seen a few cars pass, but none have stopped. This is better than being home, though.

As I'm thinking, a large car starts slowing down in front of me. I look up and the driver motions for me to get in. I hesitate, but eventually get in. There are three other men, and before I get the chance to turn back, I'm already knocked out.

I woke up in a dimly lit room. My head hurts like hell. Why the hell would I get into a stranger's car? I really am a stupid bitch.

"Is she awake?" I hear, causing me to jump. It was a man.

"Yep." Another man said. I looked around and saw that there were nine boys in the room. I let out a small scream, before one covered my mouth.

"Clam down. We're not the ones that kidnapped you." The one covering my mouth said. It was then that I noticed how not-like the men they looked. The man removed his hand from my mouth. "I'm Chan. This is Woojin, Changbin, Minho, Jisung, Seungmim, Felix, Hyunjin, and Jeongin." He said, pointing to everyone. They all smiled at me, except for Jeongin, who looked to be the youngest. I gave them a small wave.

The door unlocked loudly, and Chan pushed me under a bed. What the hell? Everyone else hid. What's happening? They eventually found Jisung and took him out of the room.

"What the hell just happened?" I ask Chana's we get out form under the bed.

"Well, once a week, they have us fight with other kidnapped victims from other gangs." Chan said and I let out a breath of relief, which earned me some confusing looks. "I thought they were going to kill him."

"They won't, But you never know. The people we have to fight seem to actually get training equipment. The only thing we get are bunk beds to do sit ups and shit." Chan rolled his. It did seem pretty unfair. But, they all seemed pretty muscular. How am I supposed to survive a fight? I have literally no muscle.

The door suddenly clicks open loudly once again, and Jisung stumbles in, bloody and bruised. I run over to him, the sight of it making me want to cry. I rip off a piece of my shirt and wrap it around his arm, covering the cut.

"Thanks." He said, attempting to sit up, but failing. He just feel straight back into my lap.

"No problem. We need to work together to keep each other alive, since we're probably not getting out of here anytime soon." I smile at the group.

Kidnapped | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now