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It's been an entire week since I've been kidnapped. I've learned that the name of the gang that took me was JYP. Thanks to Chan and the others, I've gained some muscle do that I could fight when I was chosen. I haven't been chosen, yet, though. I've gotten quite thin, considering I've been working out nonstop and we only get fed once a day.

"(Y/n), are you okay? You've been spaced out for ten minutes." Felix asked. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, flashing a forced smile.

"Are you sure?" He asked, and I nodded again. "How...old are...you?" He asked, struggling with his Korean.

"Um, I'm 17. Can you speak Korean?" I asked him in English.

"Not well. I was taken from Australia. So was Chan. He's been here for a very long time and he learned how to speak Korean. He's teaching me." Felix smiled at me. I nodded my head slowly. The door slammed open, causing me to jump.

"Jeongin, are you okay?" Hyunjin exclaimed, running over to him. I'm assuming he doesn't fight much.

"I'm fine." He said, his voice raspy. His sweaty hair was covering his face, so I couldn't tel if he had any injuries on his face. I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to him, moving the hair out of his face. There were cuts and bruises forming.

"Jeongin..." I said, taking a cloth and wiping some of the blood from his face. He grabbed my hand and pushed it down to my waist.

"I said," he looked up at me, "I'm fine." He said roughly. I nodded and looked down to my feet.

"Sorry." I said. I was used to getting yelled at, but he's never even talked to me until now. Arms suddenly picked me up from behind and swung me around.

"Jeongin, you better apologize! You made the little bunny sad!" I recognized this voice as Hyunjin's. I giggled lightly.

"No, he didn't. I'm happy, I promise." I continued to laugh as he swung me in the air. I was super dizzy when he set me down, and I could barely stand. The members and I laughed together as I stumbled around in an attempt to stand still. It was the first time I had seen Jeongin smile. He looks so different.

"Jeongin, just let (Y/n) clean up your face." Chan said to the boy.

"She's younger than me. How can I trust her?" Jeongin asked, his smile fading away.

"I've been fixing wounds worse than that since I was ten." I added, telling the complete truth.

"Oh, really?" Jeongin crosses his arms, stepping closer to me. I nodded, slightly intimidated by his glare.

"Y-Yes. I was really, uh, clumsy. And my mom and dad worked a lot, so I had to help myself." I lied. I didn't want them to know about my family. They would just pity me and I hate pity.

"I need proof." Jeongin said, once again stepping closer. Woah. He's really handsome.

"Okay." I said in a solid tone. I lifted the bottom of my legging, revealing a cut that I had stitched up a couple weeks ago. It still wasn't completely healed, and the stitching was nowhere near profesional. It was obvious I did it myself.

Jeongin's lips parted, clear shock showing on his face. The other boys seemed just as shocked.

"What happened?" Chan asked, kneeling down to see my leg clearly.

"I was playing soccer and I fell. I cut my leg on the rusty goal, so I had to disinfect it, too." I explained. I heard Jeongin let out an annoyed sigh, before sitting on one of the beds and handing me the first aid kit. I smiled and squared down.

He let out little hisses as I cleaned his wounds with the rubbing alcohol. I swear I saw his hand reach for mine for a split second. He sighed in relief as I took the gauss and bandaged his cuts.

"Remind me to change those in the morning." I told him, cleaning up the medical supplies. He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thank...you." He said it like it physically pained him. It probably did, considering the amount of cuts on his face.

"It's no problem. Wouldn't want your handsome face to get too busted up." I said, causing his eyes to go wide. I chuckled and ruffled his hair, walking away when I saw the blush on his cheeks.

I went into the make-shift bathroom and washed my hands.

"(Y/n)! Come eat!" Woojin shouted form the other room. I nodded and walked out of the bathroom. It wasn't really a bathroom. Just a toilet and a sink, which is better than nothing, I guess.

"What are we having tonight?" I asked, sitting by Jisung.

"Chicken!" Woojin said in English, a bright smile on his face. We all laughed at that, before digging into our only meal.

Kidnapped | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now