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The men opened the door, immediately being shocked. I had beaten them to the ground, then slipped the key out of their pocket, tossing it onto one of the beds. Then, I made a run for it.

"The girl! We need more guards on the girl!" I heard one of the men shout, before hearing all of their heavy footsteps behind me. I looked behind me and saw the boys sneaking out. I smiled and ran faster. I ran past many rooms. Most of the rooms had the same doors as the one in our cell. I wonder if there are other prisoners.

"Stop running! You won't get anywhere!" One of the men screamed from behind me. There were more now, since they had called for backup. They chased me for about ten more minutes, before guards had jumped in front of me. I was stuck and had nowhere to go, so I gave up. I sat on the ground, panting for air.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you stupid bitch?" One of them said, walking up and slapping me across the face. I could do nothing but smile. I knew the boys were long gone by now. "Why the hell are you smiling?"

Realization slowly hit one of the guard's face. "The boys!" He screamed. "She helped them escape!"

"Wow, that one took you awhile," I rolled my eyes, only to get another slap in the face.

"Shut up, bitch!" The man yelled. "Take her to the boss, we'll send a search party out for the boys right away."

"Why? You seem to have other prisoners, so, why keep them?" I asked, looking up at the tall guard.

"They were our best fighters, you idiot." He responded. "And so are you, which is why we're keeping you as well."

"So, you guys aren't going to kill me?" I asked. They nodded and started walking me back in the direction of the cell. "What about your 'boss?'"

"He's busy." The guard stated coldly. I nodded and was thrown back into the cell. I hope the boys are happy again.

Jeongin's POV

"Chan hyung, do you know where we're going?" I asked, wiping a few tears off my face.

"The police station," he answered, continuing to walk. I nodded and walked with him. He looked over to me and sighed. "She'll be okay. She's strong."

"I know, but, it just feels wrong. She just saved us, and we left her," I said, looking to my feet.

"Why do you think we're going to the police station?" Chan said. I looked up quickly. "We're going to catch those bastards."

I smiled brightly. We get to save (Y/n) and everyone else. Those jerks will finally be caught. I miss her already. I really hope she isn't hurt.

We had finally arrived at the police station. The officers seemed shocked to see all of us. Why?

"Y-You're Chan, you were declared dead seven years ago," one of the men say.

"I was?" Chan asked.

"Ye-Yeah, they were never able to find you, so they just said that you were dead. Same with the rest of you," the lady at the desk said. "Do you, by chance, know a girl named Park (Y/n)?" My ears perked.

"Yes, we do. We know where she is, that's why we came here first." Minho answered. "If you follow us, we can lead the way." With that, many men began to get ready for the important mission. We're actually going to save (Y/n).

Kidnapped | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now