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"Hey, idiot, wake up," A familiar voice said. I fluttered my eyes open, to see Jae's face in mine. I screamed a little bit, covering my head with the blanket that was already covering most of my face. That woke Jeongin up.

"Jae, you scared the hell out of me!" I said from under the blanket.

"That was the point. You can take the blanket off your head now, I'm not gonna kill you," Jae said, tugging the blanket off my head. "Oh, hey Jeongin."

"Hey," Jeongin replied tiredly.

"I'm assuming you two took a nap, since Felix said you need to show me something," Jae said, smiling at me. That son of a bitch.

"Wh-What? No! No we don't," I said, smiling at him. He looked at me confused, before gasping. Aw sh-

"Are you pregnant?!" Jae exclaimed. My eyes went wide, my jaw dropped open.

"NO!" I screamed, a little shocked that he would assume such a thing. He looked at me, even more confused this time. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine, but don't kill anyone." I pulled that blanket down, revealing my very marked neck. They were darker now. Jae's face fell, and his expression was unreadable. He looked over to Jeongin, who had also revealed his neck.

"Are you two fucking vampires?" He asked, looking a bit surprised that there were so many hickeys. Jeongin and I awkwardly laughed.

"You're not mad?" I asked. He scoffed and shook his head.

"I told you to treat her like a princess, I guess you're treating better than that," Jae winked over to Jeongin, who literally choked on air.

"It's not like that," Jeongin said after his coughing fit. Jae laughed, and patted his shoulder.

"I know, kid, calm down," Jae continued to laugh.

"Jae, what time is it?" I asked.

"Umm," he pulled out his phone, "about 6:50. Hey, aren't the others coming home soon? I haven't seen them in forever!"

"Haha, yep," I said, a little nervously. Jeongin's right. We're adults, so I shouldn't have a reason to be scared.

"I'm still tired," Jeongin whined.

"There's literally nothing I can do about that," I told him, causing him to glare at me. I shrugged, and slid the blanket off my body.

"I'll see you guys downstairs," Jae said, waving to the both of us.

"Okay, we'll be down in a minute," I said to my brother. He nodded and walked out of the room. I slipped on one of Jeongin's shirts and felt a pair of arms snake around my waist.

"Do we have to go downstairs? I wanna cuddle," he pouted, resting his face in the crook of my neck.

"We've been cuddling most of the day, Jeonginie, we need to not be so anti social," I told him, kissing the top of his head.

"Fine, lets go downstairs. I'm starving, anyway," he said, grabbing my hand and walking towards the door. We went down the stairs and saw the others talking on the couch. We didn't gain much attention, which was good. We walked straight into the kitchen, finding something to eat.

"We're ordering a pizza in a little bit, so don't worry about finding food," Chan said to us. We both froze. Forget anything I've said, Chan is scary.

"Oh, okay," I said, still not facing him, afraid he would see the marks all over my neck.

"Why aren't you guys turning around. It's rude to talk to someone like that," Chan said, causing a nervous laughter to come from my mouth. Jeongin and I both slowly turned around. Chan's eyes widened.

"Hey, Chan, do you want pepperoni or-what's wrong?" Minho walked into the kitchen and looked at where Chan was looking-our necks. "Holy shit, the babies fucked!"

"Wh-What?! No, i-it's not like that!" Jeongin argued. Thanks to Minho, everyone had come to the kitchen, wondering what he was talking about. Felix and Jae knew, but they came to the kitchen anyway.

"What. The. Fuck." Chan said. "Did you two...?" He asked, pointing at the both of us.

"No!" I told him. He looked shocked and angry, but mostly shocked. "Please don't get angry," I pouted at him.

"This was probably the biggest rule in the house. We leave you two alone for one day, and this happens," Chan sighed, running a hand through his hair. I looked down to my feet. I hated it when Chan, or any of the boys, were mad at me. I felt tears fill my eyes. "You guys can't be in the same room anymore. You know the rules."

"H-hyung," Jeongin let out, "please, it won't happen again, I-"

"No. You don't get anymore chances," Chan said, sounding more strict than ever. I sniffled a bit, not wanting anyone to know about the tears running down my face.

"Hyung, they are adults. They're old enough to do this stuff now," Hyunjin cut in.

"You guys are all adults, that doesn't mean you guys are allowed to do this kind of stuff in the house," Chan said to him.

"We can legally do whatever, though," Jisung said. "You shouldn't be so harsh on them, they're young and their hormones are insane right now, let them live a little. You made (Y/n) cry for god's sake."

Chan looked back over to me, and he examined my face, now seeing the tears on my cheeks. His expression softened when I looked up at him. He sighed, beginning to stare off into space. He was thinking.

"Fine, I'm sorry. You guys can stay in the same room. They're right, you guys are adults," He smiled at me and Jeongin.

"Thank you, hyung," Jeongin smiled back.

Kidnapped | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now