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Your POV

Jeongin and I have hung out a lot since the bathroom incident. Felix doesn't seem to be acting right, though. Every time I try to play around with him, he kinda just ignored me. It made me sad, but I couldn't think much of it.

It was morning, and I was the only one awake. Chan was passed out with his head resting on the table. Everyone was sleeping in their beds. I walked over to Chan and gently shook him awake.

"Hmm?" He raised his head up, his eyes still closed.

"Get in bed." I said to him softly. He nodded and got up, stumbling into the empty bed.

"Okay, let's see." I sat down in the chair, looking at the recent plans. It seemed pretty set. The only thing they were missing was a proper distraction. None of them seemed to want to be the distraction. They were all afraid.

"(Y/n)-ah, what are you doing?" I heard Jeongin ask from behind me.

"I can be the distraction." I stated, looking over at him.

"W-What?" He stuttered. I could tell he knew what I was talking about.

"I can be the distraction for the plan, since you guys are too afraid to do it. That way, you guys can make it out of here alive," I said to him, smiling a little.

"No, you can't." He said sternly.

"Why not? You guys will be safe and free," I said, standing up.

"Yeah, I know but-" He didn't finish.

"But what?" I asked. He took a deep breath, before looking me in the eyes.

"You won't be," he said quietly, his voice cracking a bit.

"Jeongin, I'll be fine." I told him, walking closer to him.

"No, you won't," he cried out. "We'll be out there and you'll still be stuck in here, alone."

"I'll be able to find a way out, I promise," I said, hugging him. "You guys have done so much for me. This is the least I could do for you."

"What's going on?" Minho asked in a groggy voice.

"I saw the plan," I told him, "and I want to be the distraction."

"What?! Are you insane?" Minho asked, jumping up.

"Maybe, but I just want to make sure that you guys will be safe. You'll get to leave this hell," I said, pulling away from Jeongin, only to have my hand grabbed by him instead.

"What about you?" Minho asked, sounding incredibly concerned.

"I'll be fine, I promise," I smiled reassuringly. "Now, get them up. You guys are escaping today."


"You WHAT NOW?!"Chan yelled, instantly getting shushed by everyone.

"(Y/n), you can't," Hyunjin whined.

"Yes, I can," I told him. I was still holding Jeongin's hand, and I noticed Felix glancing down at our hands frequently.

"You could die," Seungmin said, his face looking like a sad puppy.

"They won't kill me, because I'll be the only person they have left to fight." I stated, shrugging my shoulders.

"What if they hurt you for helping us?" Felix said lowly.

"I've been through worse." I told him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Chan asked me. I nodded. "Okay, you guys know what to do."

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