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Your POV

I woke up, my head pounding. I closed my eyes tightly, rubbing my temples. What the hell did I do?

"Are you okay?" Jeongin asked from beside me, kissing my cheek.

"No, my head hurts like hell." I frowned. He smiled and gave some medicine. I can't remember anything from yesterday. "How did you know I would need this?"

"You got really drunk last night, baby," he told me. Bad thoughts flooded my mind. I got drunk? Why? When? Wait, did Jeongin and I-? "No, we didn't. I wouldn't do that to you." Jeongin said, reading my facial expressions perfectly.

I let out a sigh of relief. You know how much trouble we would be in? Wait, why wouldn't he do that with me? Am I that unattractive? I frowned a little, not realizing it at first.

"Wait, why are you sad?" Jeongin questioned, tilting his head slightly.

"Because you told me that I'm so ugly that you wouldn't do it with me," I pouted more.

"No, no, no. That's not what I meant. I meant that I wouldn't take advantage of you," He said, caressing my hair.

"Are you sure?" I asked, leaning into his hand. He smiled and nodded. "I love you, Jeonginie."

"I love you too," He said, kissing my lips softly. It was now, that I realized something.

"Aren't you late to work?!" I asked, hopping out of bed.

"I took today off so I can help my girlfriend," I smiled brightly at him when he said that.

"Wait, so, is everyone else gone?" I asked. He nodded, wiggling his eyebrows. I scoffed and hit him playfully on the chest. He looked dramatically offended, and started tickling me, both of us giggling like crazy. I tickled him, he tickled me, and it was basically a war. When we stopped, though, he somehow ended up on top of me. He didn't move, neither did I. He kept staring at me, a faint smile still plastered on his face. "What?"

"You really are beautiful," he said, my heart melting. He started leaning in, his lips inching closer to mine every second. Not able to deal with his warm breath teasing my lips any longer, I grabbed his face and closed the space between us.

He kissed back, obviously, the kiss slowly getting heated. We both sat up, and he placed me on his lap. We were on the floor, making out, just for the fun of it. His mouth moved away from mine, making it's way down my jaw and eventually to my neck. We've had moments like this before, but we've never gone this far.

"J-Jeongin, st-stop. You might leave mar-marks." I warned him, but didn't let go of him.

"I don't care," he said, continuing to go insane on my neck, sucking on the skin as if it was a sweet.

"But, Chan," I said, leaning my head into his neck.

"I don't care, baby. We're adults now." Jeongin said, sucking on more of my skin. It was like he was painting my skin with his lips. He pulled away, looking at my neck with admiration. I hopped off of his lap, running to our bathroom to look into the mirror. There were dark marks forming all over my neck. Jeongin stepped behind me, and hugged me from behind. I turned around.

"It's only fair if we both have some," I smirked at my boyfriend, which he returned. He picked me up and sat me on the counter, tilting his head back to leave his neck open for me. I began sucking on his neck. He was more squirmy than me, wh I meant he was enjoying it. I'm doing something right. I continued until there were dark marks all over his neck, and maybe a few on his chest. He looked in the mirror.

"Wahh," He looked at his neck in astonishment. "Is it bad that I enjoyed that?"

"Nope," I smiled and kissed him on the lips. We started kissing heatedly again, until a deep voice rung through the house.

"Guys! I'm home early!" Felix shouted.

"Shit!" I shouted, probably a bit too loud.

"What was that? Is everything okay? I'm coming up!" Felix said, and his footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. I ran out of the bathroom and into our room, Jeongin followed me. I grabbed a turtle neck for each of us, and we both stripped our shirts off. And, with really bad timing, Felix came into our room. He froze.

"Hyung, it's not what it-"

"What the fuck?!" Felix screamed, his eyes as big as saucers. "What were you guys doing?!"

"Now, I know it looks bad-"

"Yeah, it looks really bad!" Felix interrupted me.

"BUT we weren't doing anything bad!" I finished.

"There's hickeys on your necks! You did something bad!" Felix pointed at my neck.

"No, all we did was make out!" Jeongin yelled, both of us turning red as he said that. Felix's eyes widened even more.

"You mean, if I wouldn't have come home, you two would've...?"

"No!" I said, my face turning even redder.

"Well, possibly," Jeongin added, earning a slap on the chest from me.

"Well, all I can say is Chan's going to kill you," Felix smiled, before walking out.

"Wow, so helpful!" I yelled after him.

"I'm not very afraid," Jeongin said, taking me by shock.

"How?" I asked. Chan was scary when he was mad.

"We're adults now, we're allowed to do whatever we want," Jeongin shrugged, shining and adorable smile. He has a point. Just because he's not wrong, doesn't mean Chan's not going to be mad.

"(Y/n)! Your brother's coming over!" Felix shouted form the kitchen. This time, Jeongin's eyes were filled with more fear than I had ever seen.

"Okay!" I shouted back.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit," Jeongin mumbled to himself. "The turtlenecks!"

"It's the middle of the summer, he would be hella suspicious," I said. Jeongin sighed in annoyance.

"Makeup?" He asked.

"I'm ten times paler than you," I reminded. He pouted. "What happened to 'We're adults now?'" I asked him, mocking his words from earlier.

"That's Chan, this is your brother! He's scary and tall," Jeongin got quiet at the end. I giggled at his cute behavior.

"It's gonna be okay. I'll protect you," I said, ruffling his hair. He laughed a little. "Right now, we can cuddle and wait for Jae to get here," I smiled at him.

"Okay," he smiled at me, kissing my cheek. We turned in a movie and did what we said we would.

Ayyeee, it's my birthday. So, here's a meh chapter. It's long, though, so hope you enjoyyyy

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