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"Okay, you guys know what to do," Chan said, looking at all the boys. They all nodded and started grabbing random things around the room. "How do you plan on distracting them, (Y/n)?"

"I don't know yet. While you guys are running out, I'll run the other direction," I answered, trying to think it out in my head. After a few minutes of talking, we had a set plan on how I should distract them. First, when the men came in to give us food, I will attack them. Then, I'll keep them conscious, so that they will speak through their headsets and chase me down, leaving the boys alone. I'll slip by and steal a key from one of them. I'll then get chased down by all the other guards and eventually get caught, giving the boys enough time to run out of the building. God, I hope this works.

"Are you one hundred percent sure about this?" Chan asked. "Cause you don't have to do this."

"Yep. I'm one hundred and ten percent sure," I reassured him. I saw his eyes grow a bit teary. "Chan, don't be sad." I hugged him tightly, feeling a few wet drops fall onto my shirt.

"Please be safe," he whimpered. I've never seen Chan in such a state. It made me want to crumble as well.

"I will. I can hold my own," I said, hugging him tighter. I felt him smile, before pulling away from the hug.

"Go say bye to the others," he smiled at me, before I walked off to say my goodbyes with everyone else.

"Please don't do this," Felix cried out. That made me breakdown. I can't deal with one of my best friends crying.

"I'm sorry," I cried back, hugging him.

"I like you, and i know you don't like me back, but that's okay. I just needed to tell you before I leave," He whispered to me. I was a bit taken aback by this. He pulled away from our hug, and nodded over to Jeongin, a small smile on his face. "Go say goodbye to him. You so like each other, and it'd be a shame to do nothing about it." I giggled and blushed at his comment, kissing his cheek and slowly making my way over to Jeongin.

Before I even got a chance to speak, his lips were on mine. I didn't know how to react. I went with my gut and kissed him back. He pulled away and I was immediately pulled into a tight hug.

"I swear," He began, sadness and anger mixing in his voice, "we will come back for you. And if all of us don't, I will. I'll come back for you, (Y/n)." I sobbed once again, into his shoulder.

"I love you, Jeongin," I cried, my tears soaking his shirt. He was doing the same thing to me.

"I love you, too, (Y/n)," he let out. We just stood there for a bit, not caring what the others saw. The guards were heard walking down the hall, though, which meant no more lovey dovey time. It was time to be serious.

"Let's do this," I said confidently.

Kidnapped | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now