Chapter 3

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Hoseok POV

As the bell rings to dismiss us from lunch, I smile over at Taehyung. The three of us stand up, Jimin leading us out of the canteen as he usually does with me, while I take Taehyung's hand to help lead him through the crowd.

"So, how're you liking your first day here, Tae?" I ask with a smile as I look over at him. He gives me a shy smile, shrugging.

"It's okay so far. I'm just really glad that I've got you and Jimin to keep me company and show me around and all. I'd be lost beyond belief otherwise." Tae answers softly, his grip on my hand tightening as things narrow down the closer we reach the exit of the canteen. I just chuckle, tugging him closer to me.

He really is adorable honestly. Being nearly my height and truly is a beautiful guy, he's so shy and quiet, a complete contrast to myself. It surprises me, being so content and happy around him despite how different he is from Jiminie and myself, as we tend to do better around people similar to ourselves. There's a reason Jimin's my best friend, and yet, despite how quiet and shy Tae is, I'm just as happy and content with him, if not more so than I am with Jimin. It's hard to explain or find an explanation as to why, but I try not to question it.

"It definitely is a large school. You don't have to worry though, Tae. Jimin and I've got your back. Besides, we enjoy being around you. You're fun to hang around with." I respond with a grin, reaching up and ruffling his hair with my free hand. He just gives me another shy smile before looking down at the floor again as he lets me lead him through the crowd and eventually out of the canteen altogether.

"Definitely! You're pretty cool, Tae. And really fucking adorable too." Jimin tells with a grin, giving him a quick wink before facing forward again. I just laugh lightly at his reaction as Tae blushes, his eyes widened slightly.

As Tae and I fall quiet, Jimin begins going on about one of the girls in our third class. I don't pay a whole lot of attention, my eyes staying locked on the beautiful brunette by my side. It's only now, as we reach Jimin's locker first, that I realize I'm still holding his hand. Though, I don't actually mind, enjoying the contact and closeness that it allows me to feel with him as we go through the hallways to each of our lockers.

"Ready for the rest of our day, Taehyung?" I ask with a smile as we  begin to walk away from his locker that had been our last stop. He just sighs, shrugging quietly as he purses his lips.

"I guess. It's not like the classes are really anything special though." He mumbles quietly as we head down the hallway.

"Maybe not, but it's not like they're the worst either right? Nobody's bothering you so far?" I question, glancing over at him. He gives me a small smile, shaking his head.

"Nobody's bothered me so far, Hobi. Nothing to worry about." Tae answers with a small chuckle. I grin over at him, ruffling his hair once more.

"Good. Nobody better mess with my Taehyungie. They'll get their asses beat to hell if they did." I inform him. He just rolls his eyes at me, shaking his head once more with a larger smile this time.

With that, we fall quiet once more as we grow near the classroom. Though, just as we reach the door to the class, Jimin grabs my wrist to stop me. I frown, in turn stopping Taehyung as I turn back to look at Jimin in confusion.

"What's going on?" Tae asks curiously with a frown. I shrug, turning back to Jimin in my own curiosity.

"Tae, you can go ahead in, baby. I just need to talk to Hobi here for a moment." Jimin says sweetly to Tae. I glance back over at Tae who's now looking at me curiously.

"It's alright, Tae. We'll be quick and I'll be in within just a couple minutes, sweetheart. No worries." I tell him gently with a smile as well. He glances back at the door, suddenly seeming more nervous than ever. I frown at the sight, wondering why he's grown nearly terrified of going inside without me or Jimin by his side.

"It'll be okay, Tae. I promise, we'll be inside in just a couple minutes." I repeat gently, rubbing his back gently before retracting my hand once more. He just takes a deep breath, reluctantly stepping away from me and inside.

"What is it, Jiminie?" I ask curiously as I look back to the pink haired boy. He just gives me a gentle smile.

"I didn't figure you wanted Tae around for me to ask about your mother. I know you've been worried about her and how she's doing, I was just wondering if there's any updates?" Jimin asks softly, lowering his voice as he speaks. I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"I dunno, Jimin. She's still saying how much she loves me and whatnot. This morning she told me to take care of myself before telling me to have a good day. I just... I have no idea what's going on with her." I inform him quietly before pursing my lips. He gives me a small sympathetic smile.

"Hopefully she'll get better soon, Hobi. It'll be okay. You've got me and Tae here with you now."

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