Chapter 16

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Taehyung POV

Rolling over in Hobi's arms, I just wanna stay like this and fall asleep, not wanting to have to eat anymore as I still have absolutely no appetite. Glancing up at him through my tears with a small pout on my lips, I can see just how worried he really is. Though, I'm caught completely off guard when he leans down, and presses his lips gently against my own. It feels like all of the oxygen in my lungs has suddenly disappeared, a mixture of fear and happiness flooding my entire body.

The kiss is soft and gentle, Hoseok molding his lips softly against my own. I can feel my lips trembling slightly against his, but I try to push through the voices that are quickly flooding my head all over again. Squeezing my eyes shut, I try to mold my lips back against his, following him as he begins to gently move his lips against mine. I can feel the tears beginning to form as the voices quickly begin to grow in volume, desperately trying to ground myself so that I can at least make it through the kiss. However, it's completely useless when Hoseok pulls away, causing my eyes to snap back open as he looks down at me in pure concern.

Groaning in frustration with myself, I push myself away from him and stumble out of bed. Nearly collapsing to the ground as I get to my feet, I hold one hand to my head and keep the other at my side as I stumble to my door. I faintly hear Hobi climb out of my bed as well, but my attention is no longer on him.

"Tae? Sweetheart, are you okay?" His voice is faint though, as if he were yelling from some great distance away.

Struggling with the door, I stumble to my knees when I get it open and let myself out into the hallway.

"Taehyung?!" My mother this time from downstairs. I whimper as the voices begin to just start blurring together, creating an enormous headache. Curling up into a ball as I simply give up on trying to make it to the bathroom for my medicine, the tears just keep flowing as I hear footsteps rushing up the stairs that are just arms length away from me. I feel someone step over me before I faintly hear the bathroom door open, pretty easily being able to put the pieces together that it's my mother who stepped over me.

"Tae, baby, what's wrong?" Jimin asks worriedly as he drops to the floor beside me, pulling me up off of the carpeted flooring from my laying position so that I'm leant up against him. I can't manage to find it in me to speak, shaking my head as I curl into a ball. However, I'm soon picked up off of the floor and carried back into my room. I don't bother looking up to see who's carrying me, assuming it's Hoseok since Jimin had been sat beside me, before I'm laid back down onto my bed. I whimper out though, unsure of way too many things at the moment to be able to just get tucked right back into bed without my medicine.

Though, Eomma appears right in front of me as soon as Hoseok steps back, her kneeling down in front of my bed with two pills and a glass of water. She gives me a soft smile, helping me sit up just a bit so that I can swallow the pills with the water before she takes the empty glass back. I huff quietly as I flop back onto my bed, turning onto my side again as I look over at her, the tears still falling and the voices still chattering, but everything slowly beginning to calm back down.

"Baby boy, you didn't finish your breakfast." She comments softly with a saddened smile, gently brushing my hair back out of my eyes and off of my now sweaty forehead. I frown, feeling bad that I couldn't even do that much for her, squeezing my eyes shut as the tears begin falling even faster again.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. It's okay, Tae. It just means that we're gonna have to try again at lunch. Okay? You're okay, baby. You ate a little and that's better than nothing. It's gonna be okay, sweetheart. Just calm down and get some more sleep. I'll bring some food up around lunchtime." She murmurs softly, kissing my forehead before standing up.

"You boys are welcome to stay or leave, if you'd like. He's probably gonna fall asleep here shortly and won't be up again until lunch. There won't be a whole lot to do until then." I faintly hear her tell the others. I don't bother looking over at them for a response, just waiting for the voices to shut the hell up so that I can sleep. I soon hear her walk out of my room though, not really knowing what Jimin or Hobi are doing. Though, I soon feel someone close to me, causing me to tiredly open my eyes once more. Finding Hobi knelt down in front of my bed, I can see the painfully heartbroken look in his eyes clear as day.

"I'm so sorry, Tae. I didn't mean to upset you or hurt you in anyway. Yet, all I seem to do is hurt you and upset you. I'll go now and stay away so that I don't hurt you anymore." Hoseok murmurs as tears begin to roll down his cheeks before he stands. Though, just before he can walk away, I manage to reach out and catch his wrist, causing him to look back down over at me.

"Cuddle?" I mumble, being all that I can really manage at this point as the voices begin to calm just a little. I'm not even entirely sure that what I said was coherent enough for him to understand, but I assume that it is when he gives me a brief tiny smile with a quiet chuckle.

"I did say we could cuddle, didn't I?"

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