Chapter 14

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Taehyung POV

Turning my alarm back off, I pull the covers back up and snuggle back under my covers as I roll over. Keeping my covers up to my chin and rolling so that I'm facing away from my bedroom door, I don't bother getting up and simply stay laid in bed. I'm nearly back asleep when I hear my room door open.

"Tae, sweetheart?" I hear Eomma say softly from the door. I hum quietly in response, not bothering to open my eyes or turn back around to look at her. I hear my door get pushed open and two sets of footsteps make their way over to my bed. Reluctantly opening my eyes, I look up to find my parents reaching the side of my bed that I'm facing. Eomma gives me a gentle smile, sitting down on the edge of my bed while Appa sits down on the floor right in front of my bed.

"How are you feel, baby boy?" Eomma asks softly, brushing my hair back from my forehead. I give a small pout, letting my eyes fall shut as I shake my head lightly.

"Why don't you just take the day off school today, Bud. Eomma and I will call the school and let them know you're not coming in today, okay? We'll see how you're feeling tomorrow as to whether you're going in tomorrow. How about you just get some more sleep, and we'll bring you up some breakfast in a little while. Sound good, bud?" Appa offers in a gentle tone. Looking over at him tiredly, I just nod my head weakly.

With that, they both give me a small smile and kiss the top of my head before standing again and leaving. Sighing softly to myself, I curl further under my blankets and slowly begin to let myself fall back asleep.

Waking up to the sound of knocking at my door, I groan at whoever's on the other side, whimpering loudly to let whoever it is know that they are greatly upsetting me by waking me up. However, they seem to ignore this little fact as I hear my room door open.

"Tae, sweetheart, you've got a couple of boys here to visit you." Eomma says softly as I hear three sets of footsteps enter my room. I pout, huffing as I bury my head under my blankets out of tiredness.

"Baby boy, you need to get up anyways. I'm sorry, honey, but you still need to eat and now wouldn't be a bad time since you've got your friends here." Eomma tells me in a gentle tone as I feel the bed dip beside me. Reluctantly pulling my head back out from under my blankets, I pout as I look up at her, whimpering once more. She gives me a small small smile, brushing my hair back gently once more before setting a tray of food down beside me on my bed. Kissing the top of my head lightly once more, she stands back up and leaves the room again, closing the door behind her.

I frown once again, not even knowing who the hell she meant by friends. I don't want to see anyone and I don't want to eat. I'd prefer just not do to anything honestly.

Though, I'm soon reminded of who she could've possibly been talking about as the two familiar boys appear by my side. Hobi sits down on the edge of my bed where Eomma had just been moments ago, Jimin sitting down on the floor just like Appa had when they came in together.

"Hey, Tae. How're you feeling, sweetheart?" Hobi asks softly, laying a hand on my shoulder. I just shake my head in response, not in the mood for talking right now.

"Here, baby. You should eat like your mother said." Jimin murmurs gently as he picks up the spoon that had been left, scooping up a spoonful of food before holding it out to me. I purse my lips at the food, not particularly wanting to eat but sighing as I know I don't have a whole lot of choice at this point. Reluctantly, I open my mouth a little as Hobi takes the spoon from Jimin carefully before hand feeding me with a small smile on his face.

"Tae, what's wrong, baby? Your mother said you weren't feeling too well when we got here." Hoseok asks softly, clearly wanting to know why I'm not myself and why I wasn't at school this morning. I just sigh softly, shutting my eyes again as I shake my head once more.

"Hobi, would you like some time with Tae alone for a bit? I can go talk with his mother and get acquainted with her so that she knows we're not some weird ass kids showing up to see her kid." Jimin offers in a gentle tone. I don't bother looking over at either one, still wanting to be left alone right now.

"If you wouldn't mind, Jiminie, that'd be good. I can always come get you when we're finished or shoot you a text."

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