Chapter 4

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Taehyung POV

As I walk inside the classroom, I shove my hands into my pockets so that nobody can see my hands begin to shake as I look around the room. It now occurs to me that I have no idea where to sit, looking around silently in attempt to figure out where the hell our seats could be.

It takes me a good minute before I finally spot a set of three seats open near the back like always. Taking a deep breath, I slowly make my way over to the empty spots. I can feel everyone's eyes on me, though nobody approaches me or says a single thing. Everyone just stays quiet, mumbling their own quiet conversations as I pass by everyone and soon reach the seats.

Biting my lip, I set my stuff down on the floor beside of me as I lean back against the wall next to the seats. I keep my head directed down towards the floor, not wanting to see anyone or see if they're paying any attention to me. I just focus on keeping my breathing regular, waiting for Hoseok and Jimin to come into the room. It's a hard task with how scared I am right now, terrified that people are going to approach me and start talking shit.

Thankfully though, Hoseok and Jimin soon enter the room, just seconds before the bell rings. I feel my heart rate increase for some odd reason, a tiny smile appearing at the sight of Hoseok but also growing more nervous as well. More than likely, I'm just glad that the two of them finally entering the room and that I'm no longer left to be alone, growing more nervous over the fact that this will once again cause people to have their attention focused on us.

"Why didn't you take a seat, sweetheart?" Hoseok questions with a sweet smile. Their friendliness still catches me off guard, the nicknames they're using somehow having a calming but exciting effect on me.

"I didn't know where the two of you usually sit, and I didn't want to take your seats." I mumble shyly, glancing up at him and then back down to the floor.

"Aww, Tae, you're too cute. You could've taken either of our seats and we wouldn't have minded." Jimin coos with a smile as he takes his seat. Hoseok just smiles over at me, nodding his head as he puts an arm around my shoulder and brings me over to the seat in between him and Jimin. Biting the inside of my cheek, I try not to blush too much at his kind action as we both take our seats. Once again, I can feel everyone's eyes on me, but I try to ignore it.

Of course, that doesn't become too hard as I suddenly find a head laid on my shoulder. Looking over and down in surprise, Hoseok's got his head laid on my shoulder, glancing up at me with a smile.

"Tired?" I ask curiously in a quiet manner as class begins. He just smiles and nods his head.

"Little bit. Your shoulder is comfy." Hoseok responds with a cute smile. I just return a smaller one, deciding I'd better pay attention to what's currently being taught in class.

Trying to move around without disturbing Hoseok, I manage to pull out my notebook and pencil before turning back to the class and beginning to take notes. Hearing him sigh quietly, he finally picks his head up to pull his own things out. I frown, looking back over at him in surprise.

"Did I bother you?" I question worriedly, a small frown on my lips as I look over to him. Hoseok turns back to me with a confused smile, shaking his head.

"Of course not, Tae. Why would you ask that?" Hoseok questions curiously. I bite my lip, looking down to my desk as I feel mildly embarrassed now.

"Well, you were all comfy on my shoulder and then suddenly moved. I thought I'd bothered you since I had moved around." I explain shyly.

"Aww, Tae, no. Of course not. You were honestly surprisingly extremely comfy. But, I figured I probably should be paying attention to class as well. I don't need my grades suddenly dropping because I'd rather sleep than pay attention to class." Hoseok informs me with a soft chuckle, reaching over to ruffle my hair gently. I can't help but grin at the action, very much enjoying how kind and sweet the two of them are with me. I just hope that this will last and that the two of them aren't going to suddenly turn on me.

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