Chapter 7

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Hoseok POV

Sitting in my room on my bed the next morning, I can't bring myself to attend school today. Eomma passed away last night on the way to the hospital, and I don't think I've even spoken two words since. To say I'm heartbroken right now would probably be an understatement. She was always my inspiration, and she used to be a best friend for me up until she quit her job and quickly began deteriorating.

The doctors said she overdosed on pills, it's why I found her laid out on the tile flooring of their bathroom when I finally got home from school. It's an image that will forever be burned into the back of my mind until the day I die. The sight of her passed out on the bathroom floor, I hadn't even noticed the empty bottle of pills on their sink counter.

I... I don't even know how to feel right now. I'm so broken, but at the same time, I'm kinda numb. I just, I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to do now. She was my everything.

I'm dragged from my spiraling thoughts by a knock on my door, only having the time to turn my head and look over at it before it's opened. I watch as my father walks into my room, a solemn look on his face as well.

"I'll accept you being off school today considering it's already halfway through the school day now, but I want you going back tomorrow. Just because she's gone, does not mean it's an acceptable excuse to be letting your grades and attendance drop." Appa tells me in a calm tone. My eyes widen at his words in surprise.

"What the hell are you talking about, Appa? She's fucking gone and I can't have more than a day to grieve?" I question, quickly growing annoyed with him.

"It's not that big of a deal, Hoseok. You're an adult even if you're still in school. People die. It happens. There's nothing you can do to stop that. It's something that you need to learn to be able to handle, not letting your life fall apart because of that." Appa responds in an emotionless tone. I clench my hands at my sides, annoyance soon turning into anger.

"Are you out of your mind? People fucking grieve when they lose someone, Appa. It's not fucking normal to lose someone and not fucking care about it." I snap angrily. He merely rolls his eyes at me though.

"You need to grow up and get over this, Hoseok. She's gone. It happens. There's nothing you can do to bring her back. All you can do is continue to develop your life and not make the same mistakes she made." He counters. I scoff at his lack of care over this.

"And what fucking 'mistakes' did Eomma make, huh? Are you saying she fucking deserved this?!" I growl, trying hard to control my temper at the moment.

"The same ones that you've been trying to make since you were little. Being a dumbass dance instructor doesn't get you anywhere in life, Hoseok. Look where it got your mother. To overdose on pills and abandon you. She wasted her life away on that dumb dancing, and wanted to be overdramatic when she finally quit just to please me. I have no sympathy for the pain that she caused herself and I'd like you not to make the same mistakes that she did. So, starting tomorrow, you'll return to school and take your classes more seriously. You need to improve your grades so that you can get into one of the best business schools there are so that you'll be able to run the company when you graduate. I don't want you wasting your time at that pathetic dance studio and making an ass out of yourself even more. There will be no more dance for you, and I expect no arguments out of any of this. That's final." Appa says sternly before stalking out of my room.

I just sit here stunned and angry as hell. I know my father and I have never been able to see eye to eye on a lot of things, he and I have always had different opinions on stuff, and we've never really gotten along together too super well. It's never really been much of an issue though, as my mother was always around to tell him off and to stand up for me and protect me.

The fact that he's suddenly trying to completely reprogram my life annoys the living hell out of me. The fact that he's calling my mothers life decisions mistakes and stupid pisses me off to no end. And the fact that he wants to act like none of this is anything to feel something over just makes it all that much worse.

I don't know how the hell I'm going to be able to handle anything at school tomorrow. But, the oddest part, is that all I want right now, is to be with Taehyung and to just cuddle up with him in my arms.

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