Chapter 24

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Taehyung POV

Sighing quietly to myself, I reluctantly get dressed the next morning so that I can attempt to go to school again. Tugging on a pair of jeans and a gray tee shirt with a black hoodie tossed over it, I walk out of the bathroom and back to my room where an already dressed Jimin is waiting for me. He ended up staying the entire day and even spending the night with me last night, wanting to be here for me and make sure I'd be okay the entire time. Needless to say, I'm extremely grateful for him. He really is a wonderful person and really sweet and kind and caring.

I honestly feel kinda bad that I asked him if he liked me yesterday though, knowing how wrong that was. I shouldn't have done that, and I don't need to be pathetic and just start going around and asking people randomly if they like me, just so that I can try to find someone who might actually say yes and find someone who might be capable of loving me. Though, we talked about it a little last night, and he told me not to worry about it and that he understood.

"Ready to go, baby?" Jimin asks with a smile as I reenter my room. Taking a deep breath, I nod my head and grab my bag that Appa had left right next to my door yesterday morning. Jimin grins in response, walking over and putting an arm around my shoulders as we head out of my room and down the stairs for breakfast.

There isn't a ton of conversation had this morning amongst the four of us. I'm not entirely sure there's much reason for it though. Most of what probably could, would, or needed to be said was taken care of yesterday, everyone hearing and now knowing the things they wanted or needed to know.

So, the morning goes by quickly and soon enough, Jimin and I are out the door and on our way to school again. He keeps his arm wrapped around my shoulders though, both of us fairly quiet as we start walking towards school.

"Jimin, do you really think Hoseok has feelings for me?" I ask quietly as I look over at him. He smiles at me, nodding his head.

"I guarantee that he does, baby. He's just trying to figure out what to do right now. With his mother gone, his father has turned into a complete asshole. Hobi loves dancing more than anything else, and yet his father took that away from him. Said it was wrong and childish and girlish and told him that he was never allowed to go back. So, Hobi's a little worried about what would happen if he started dating you, and his father potentially found out. Okay? It's not that he doesn't adore you and want to date you, it's not that he's uncertain about how he feels with you. He's just a little lost and scared because of his father who isn't even giving him appropriate time to grieve and heal from losing his mother." Jimin explains softly, kissing the side of my head.

I sigh, biting my lip as I nod my head. I guess that all makes some sense. I feel bad for him though. He shouldn't have to give up on what he loves just because it doesn't fit his father's way of living.

"Jimin?" I speak up quietly, looking back over to him. He giggles softly, smiling over at me.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Jimin responds lightly, not seeming to mind my question-y mood.

"Why can't he just do his own thing though? He shouldn't have to live his life by his father's books. It's his life to lead, not his father's." I question uncertainly. He purses his lips, sighing.

"It's not that easy, baby. It sounds like his father is making a point to be around more, just so that he can be sure that Hoseok is following the rules that he laid out for him. He wants Hoseok doing nothing but attending classes and making sure he's getting the very highest marks possible. But, regardless, it's up to Hoseok to make his decision whether he's going to follow his father's instructions, or if he's going to live his own life. And whichever he chooses, is going to dictate whether he chooses to date you or not, unfortunately." Jimin elaborates gently.

I bite my lip once more, nodding my head. Swallowing hard as we near the school, I really want to help Hobi. I want to help him make the decision to live his own life, even if it's a little bit of a selfish decision. I want him to be happy though, and he's clearly not going to be if he follows his father. The only problem is that I don't know how to help...

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