Chapter 18

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Taehyung POV

Waking up to the feeling of someone kissing my forehead and running their fingers through my hair, I groan softly, nuzzling further into the heat source in front of me, liking just how warm and comfy I feel right now and not wanting to wake up.

"Tae, baby, you need to wake up. It's dinner time, sweetheart." Hoseok whispers softly in my ear. I crinkly my nose up in disagreement, whining and shaking my head against his chest as I snuggle further into him. I feel him chuckle though, rubbing my back gently as he rolls himself onto his own back. I just huff quietly, curling back into his side as I keep my eyes shut tightly. This only causes him and who I assume to be Jimin to laugh once more though, feeling Hoseok ruffle my hair lightly.

"Baby, you gotta wake up. I know you don't want to, but it was either us or your parents waking you up. Your mother said she made your favorite soup for you." Hoseok says gently, clearly prodding to try and get me to work with them.

"Wanna cuddle and sleep." I mumble out tiredly, still not opening my eyes.

"Come on, baby. Just this one time for us? Then we can let your parents handle getting you up tomorrow morning for school." Jimin tries this time. I whine loudly in protest, hiding my face into Hobi's side. I hear them both sigh though, making me feel mildly bad for being so stubborn and obstinate. Lifting my head just a little so that I can peer up at Hobi, I find him already looking down at me, a small smile appearing when I look up at him.

"Do I have to?" I question quietly with a small pout. He gives me a soft smile, nodding his head.

"Afraid so, sweetheart." Hoseok responds softly, running his fingers through my hair once more.

"What do I get out of it?" I ask curiously, my pout growing slightly in hopes for something, despite knowing how childish I'm acting right now. It just tends to be a thing that happens when I'm tired and don't really wanna get up, but know I have to. He chuckles lightly at my question, ruffling my hair lightly now as he shakes his head at me.

"Hmm... How about more cuddles afterwards? I'll even feed you, if you'd like? I'd offer kisses, but that didn't really seem to work too well last time." He offers in a gentle tone. I bite my lip, feeling bad about earlier. I can definitely say that I'm not feeling completely better, not really too close, but I'm feeling a decent bit better than I had been this morning.

"Hobi, I'm really sorry about earlier. That whole thing this morning with the kiss - it wasn't your fault or anything, I just-" I begin apologizing quietly. However, before I can finish what I'm trying to mumble out, Hobi leans down and pecks my lips lightly, successfully shutting me up as I look up at them with wide eyes.

"It's okay, Tae. I shouldn't have just gone and done that on the fly like that. You still weren't doing too well yet, and I shouldn't have pushed you like that. Okay? I'm sorry for what happened. I'm just glad you aren't mad at me for what happened." Hoseok responds softly, a small smile on his soft lips as he brushes my hair back out of my eyes. I just give him a tiny smile, laying my head back down on his chest.

"Hey, no, baby. You gotta eat now. Cuddles later, eats now." Hobi says, ruffling my hair again. I groan in defeat, rolling over onto my back. Weakly, I let Hoseok help me up into a sitting position as Jimin hands him the bowl, letting me still lean into his side so that I'm half cuddling him.

"You feeling a little better now, baby?" Jimin asks in a gentle tone as he passes me a water bottle and a different bottle of pills from what I've taken so far. I frown slightly at this bottle, never liking having to take them, but knowing that they'll help the other pills stay in affect and help get me back to normal. Pursing my lips, I shrug lightly as I open the bottle up and knock two pills out before handing it back to the pink haired boy.

"Better than earlier at least. Not back to normal though." I mumble quietly before placing the pills in my mouth and downing them with the water.

"Better than earlier is still better though. I'm glad you're not feeling so badly now, baby." Jimin says softly, reaching up to take my hand closest to him in his as he gives me a small smile.

"I guess. I kinda owe you guys an explanation though... And, I'm sorry for brushing off your explanation of what happened, Hobi. I'm sorry to hear that you lost your mother. You still have me and Jiminie though." I murmur, laying my head back against Hoseok's shoulder.

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