Chapter 15

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Hoseok POV

Sitting here beside Taehyung only worries me even more. His lack of wanting to eat or even speak concerns the hell out of me, such a difference from the boy who had sat up on the rooftop with me yesterday.

Once I hear the door click shut behind my pink haired friend, I scoop up another spoonful before reaching it out for Tae. He just frowns slightly at the food, letting out a small sigh when he finally gives in and opens his mouth to let me feed him.

"Tae, baby, I'm really worried about you. What's got you so bent outta shape?" I try once again, desperately wanting to know what's wrong with him. He just glances my way though, staying silent anyways. It makes my heart ache at his lack of response, making me wonder if this really is all because I wouldn't tell him what happened yesterday.

"Tae, if this is because I wouldn't tell you what happened yesterday, I'm sorry. I'll tell you what it was, I just, it's really personal and-" I begin apologizing, wanting nothing more than to have my happy shy Tae back.

"Hobi, you don't have to tell me unless you want to and are comfortable talking about it." He croaks out softly. My gaze snaps back down to the beautiful brunette curled up tiredly under his covers. I can feel tears forming in my eyes as I scoop him another bite of food, adoring how sweet and kind and considerate he still is even when he's not feeling like himself.

"But, baby, I don't want you being so upset and frustrated just because I wouldn't tell you." I argue gently, pursing my trembling lips to try and keep them from trembling until I cry as I feed him.

"Hobi, this has nothing to do with you not wanting to talk about it." Tae mumbles out around his food, curling himself more into his bed as he nuzzles his head into his pillow further. I frown a bit, setting the spoon down on the tray as I reach out to rub his back gently in attempt to comfort the hurting boy before me.

"Then what's this all about, Tae?" I ask softly, continuing to rub gentle circles into his back. He just shakes his head in response.

"I don't wanna talk about it either, Hoseok." He mutters in a somewhat bitter tone. It catches me off guard, hurting me even further. Sigh softly to myself, I pick the tray of food up and set it down on his bedside table before going around to the other side of his bed and crawling in on top of the covers, molding my body to his. He doesn't move or say anything in disagreement with it, letting me pull him back a little so that he's flush against my front, my arm draped around his waist as I begin drawing little random patterns on his surprisingly quite toned stomach.

"Baby, I'm really worried about you. You're so unlike yourself right now and so reserved, and you're scaring me. I just want you to be okay and help you be okay. The reason I was so out of it yesterday was because I lost my mother and my father's been a complete dick about it. Okay? I'm sorry I didn't tell you yesterday, I've just been trying to grieve a bit, but I'm really worried about you. You were really helping yesterday and doing so good at taking care of me and helping, baby. I just wanna help you too." I whisper softly, pressing a few occasional gentle kisses to the area where his neck meets his shoulder.

"Bad shit happened at my old school, okay? I don't wanna talk about it, Hobi. I'm sorry but I really don't. Bad shit happened and there's a reason I moved and attend your school now. Memories just kinda resurfaced while you were talking yesterday. Has nothing to do with you." Tae mumbles out, his voice cracking as he speaks. My heart just sinks even more, not only from his words but from how close to tears he sounds, if he isn't already crying. I feel even worse now, having pushed him to talk about it after all this time of him telling me he wasn't gonna force me to talk either.

I give him a gentle squeeze, placing another sweet kiss to his skin. I just stay silent for a couple of minutes, drawing light little random patterns on his stomach through his shirt since I'd wrapped my arm around him under his blankets.

"Okay, baby. You don't have to tell me what happened, sweetheart. I'm so sorry for pushing you to tell me. I shouldn't have, especially after how patient you've been with me. I'm sorry, Tae. You don't have to tell me, and you don't have to say anything. Why don't we just take a few minutes to calm back down, okay? Then we can have you finish eating, and we can just cuddle like this afterwards if you'd like then. Okay, baby?" I respond in a soft quiet tone, pressing another light kiss to his skin.

He rolls around in my arms this time though, lifting his teary eyed gaze up to meet mine with a soft pout on his lips. Before I can even think or realize what I'm doing, I lean down and place my lips gently onto his.

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