Chapter 5

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Hoseok POV

As I finally end up parting ways with Jimin and Tae, I give them both a wave before making my way home on my own. I stick my hands in my pocket as I walk along the sidewalk, listening to my music as I make my way home. I suddenly grow nervous at the thought of going home though, worried for how my mother will be when I get there. Usually, around this time she's not super talkative. It worries me, considering she's usually home alone these days, she has been for the last few months now since she finally quit her job as a dance instructor. I honestly was extremely surprised when she did though, she absolutely loved her job more than anything else in this world other than seemingly me and my father.

I try not to think about it though, deciding I'd prefer to think about Taehyung. He really is something else. He was so adorable this afternoon when I came in from my conversation with Jimin. Standing and waiting for us to come in so that he didn't take our seats. And then when I'd laid my head on his shoulder. Oh, he was so sweet, worrying about having upset me or something just because I'd picked my head up off his shoulder so that I could grab my things. He'd seemed so worried and then shy when he realized he hadn't done anything wrong.

Tae really does seem like such a sweet guy. I know I've said this before, but it truly does surprise me that I enjoy his company so much when his personality is so different from mine and Jimin's outgoing ones. He's kind and caring and thoughtful, and I just love it. And, his looks don't hurt either. Beautiful full lips that open into a boxy grin when he smiles, cute brown eyes, and he certainly seems toned. Though, he really did perplex me when he seemed to get so scared over having to enter the classroom alone...

As I look up at my house before me, I bite my lip and walk up to our front porch, unlocking our front door. When I enter inside, the house feels eerily quiet. Eomma isn't sat on the couch where she's normally sat reading or watching something on television, for some reason being nowhere to be seen.

"Eomma?! Eomma, I'm home!" I call out, carefully setting my bag down on the floor next to the front door whilst shutting the door behind me. Not too surprisingly, there's no reason, but for some reason, it scares the hell out of me today. Scanning my entire surroundings as I slowly make my way through the house, I figure out that she's nowhere downstairs at the very least.

Taking a deep breath, I reluctantly head up the stairs, hoping to find her in my parents bedroom. Though, when I reach their room, the door is open despite her not being in view. Beginning to grow scared, I nervously take a step into the bedroom, looking everywhere.

However, I'm terrified by what I see when I finally glance over at their connected bathroom whose lights are flipped on. Feeling my heart bungee jump in my chest to my stomach, I feel the sudden urge to throw up.

"Eomma!" I scream, running over to her body that's laid on the floor. With tears already seeming to spill down over onto my cheeks, I fall down to my knees beside her body, pulling it into me whilst grabbing my phone from my pocket. Dialing the first number I think of, I press the device to my ear as I hold my mother's body to mine tightly.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" I hear them answer.

"Please, it's my mother. You've gotta hurry. I need an ambulance quickly." I manage to sputter out, beginning to check for a pulse.

"I'm sending one on it's way now. How's her pulse? Do you know what happened?" The woman on the other end asks in an annoyingly calm tone.

"No, no I don't know what happened. I just got home from school and she's fucking passed out on the floor, please you have to help me." I cry, leaning over her body out of fear.

"Okay, sweetheart, we've got someone on their way. They should be there in a couple minutes. How's her pulse?" The woman continues on.

"Not good, not fucking good. It's weak. Please, tell them to hurry. She's gonna fucking die!" I whimper out angrily. Seconds later, there's a knock on the front door before I hear it open up. I instantly hang up my phone, shoving it back into my pocket.

"We're up here!" I shout through the tears, just wanting someone desperately to come save my mother.

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