Chapter 21

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Hoseok POV

"Hobi? Where's Tae?" Jimin questions with a small frown when I enter the school hallway without the younger boy. I just give him a smile though, walking over to his side and ruffling his hair lightly.

"He got a text from his mother. Wanted him to call her, I guess." I answer with a small shrug. Jimin simply nods, leaning his head against my shoulder.

"I'm glad he seems to be doing better today. It was really weird and worrisome with how quiet and sad he was yesterday." Jimin comments quietly as we wait for Tae. I nod in agreement, just as glad.

"So, I've got a question for you." Jimin says after a minute or so, lifting his head up off my shoulder as he looks over at me curiously. I give him a confused smile, wondering what could possibly be running through his head this time.

"Oh no. I can see the steam coming out your ears from those wheels turning in that ole head of yours, Jiminie. Whatcha got for me?" I tease lightly, nudging him a bit. He simply chuckles at the small joke, shaking his head at me.

"So, you kissed Tae yesterday, but I never really heard any talk of anything else and since we both use the little pet names on him, it's kinda hard to tell. Are you gonna ask him to date you, or have you already asked, or?" Jimin questions, his curiosity sparkling in those brown orbs of his. I blush lightly at the question, casting my gaze down to the floor.

"I've not asked him yet. So, no, we're not together. I'm still kinda trying to figure out if I'm going to ask him or not though. My father's flipped shit on me for the last two days now over the fact that I've not attended my classes and my attention is supposed to be solely focused on my school work. And if he found out I'm dating a guy? Do you have any idea the kind of hell I'd get put through?" I explain quietly. He frowns though, pursing his lips.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't just be causing only yourself pain anymore, Hobi. I know your father is being a complete dick and all, but you kissed Tae yesterday. I mean, I know I've not exactly been distant from him, but you've been cuddling and kissing all over him. And you both deserve to be happy together, rather than having to cause both of you pain over someone who hardly cares about you." Jimin argues softly, a gentle frown on his lips as he looks up at me. I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"What the hell am I supposed to do though? My father would gladly take over my entire life and even homeschool me just to keep me straightened out, Jimin. He'd keep my ass locked up in the house for decades on end before he'd let me date a guy. Hell, I can't even dance or even work at the dance studio anymore. Fucking anything I enjoy and care about is fucking off limits anymore. It's all just labeled as bad. As wrong." I counter defeatedly. He gives me a light glare though, clearly not liking this one bit. Sighing and shaking his head, he leans back against the lockers once more with his arms now crossed over his chest.

"What the hell is taking Tae so long?" He questions, rather than continuing the conversation. I purse my lips, shrugging silently in return.

"I don't know. All he said was that he was going to call his mother." I respond quietly, not really feeling too great about much anymore. Jimin frowns though, pushing himself off the lockers. Already knowing what he's doing, I merely follow him quietly across the emptying hallway and over to the front doors. Pushing them both open and stepping outside ourselves, mild panic begins to build up on me as Taehyung is now no longer anywhere in sight.

"Where is he?" I mumble quietly as tears begin to form. Jimin scoffs quietly, shaking his head at me.

"Fucking gone, that's where. What the hell did he want to talk to you about?" Jimin questions with a cocked eyebrow as he looks over at me. I bite my lip, beginning to realize that it's probably my fault all over again.

"The kiss... He wanted to know if it was just a heat of the moment kiss or if I'd actually meant it." I whisper out as a tear rolls down my cheek, worriedly bringing my gaze up to meet Jimin's. He groans, turning away from me as he begins jogging off.

"Wait, Jiminie, where the hell are you going?!" I yell after him, eyes widening.

"Just go to fucking class so your damn dad doesn't flip his lid again! I'm going to check on him!"

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