Chapter 27

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Hoseok POV

Tae's expression turns shocked at my sudden decision, seeming to take a good minute before it begins to sink in for him of what I just told him. I can't help but giggle softly as a beautiful large grin spreads out on his sweet lips.

"Really, Hobi?" Tae mumbles quietly with wide eyes, causing me to grin and nod my head. I feel him wrap his arms around me as best he can instantly, squealing like a little kid as he begins giggling and grinning.

"But, I thought you were worried about your father?" Tae finally questions after a couple of minutes, beginning to calm back down as he looks up at me curiously, the most adorable expression on his face as he rests his chin on my chest to be able to look at me. I sigh softly, nodding my head as I reach up and run my fingers through his hair gently, beginning to play with his hair lightly.

"I am worried about my father. But, I love you way too much to give this up. To not be able to try and make it work anyways. I can't just give this up, not when you care so much and not after everything. You don't deserve to be left like what I nearly did to you, baby. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world, and I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't be the one to give you that and be the one to be able to protect you from anyone who wants to hurt you." I whisper softly.

He gives me a small soft smile, giving me a light squeeze. I return the smile, moving my hand down to cup his cheek gently.

Though, I'm a little surprised when he makes the first move this time, slowly beginning to lean in. I force myself not to grin and giggle at how adorable he is, not wanting to ruin everything right now. He hesitates just mere millimeters from my lips, suddenly looking shy and unsure of himself. I can't help the small smile that appears at this, helping him out as I lean up myself, gently pressing my lips against his. He responds almost instantly though, lips molding to mine perfectly, our lips slowly beginning to move together in sync. It's one of the best feelings I've had in a long damn time, gently rubbing his back lightly as our lips do the work.

I think I can genuinely say that I've never been happier in my entire life, feeling invincible at the moment even though I know it won't last forever.

I ignore that thought for now though, gently biting down on Tae's bottom lip, tugging ever so lightly. I smile just the tiniest bit when he lets his lips part, allowing me to slide my tongue along his lip before slipping it in his mouth, Tae not even bothering to try and be dominant. I lightly grip his shirt in my hands, feeling myself growing mildly excited over all of this, but knowing I need not to rush things and need to pull away soon. So, I let my tongue roam around his mouth for just a short bit of time before finally pulling away, not being able to stop myself from grinning at the adorably surprised but content look on Tae's face when I finally do end the kiss. His full lips are now a tad swollen, his cheeks a rosy color. Though, before I can continue observing and appreciating his adorably cute nature, he seems to grow quickly shy, hiding his face in my chest suddenly.

I chuckle breathlessly, rubbing his back gently with a grin.

"You really are the cutest, Tae. Will you be my boyfriend?" I question before forgetting and disregarding the question. It's clear that Tae really cares about all of this and he still seems a little uncertain with everything that's happening between the two of us. I definitely want to do things right with him though, going through all of the right steps with him so that he doesn't have to feel so uncertain about everything. Though, I grin when I hear him giggle softly at my question.

"Of course, Hobi. Of course I will." Tae mumbles shyly, his body relaxing as we lay here together. Though, I sigh softly when I hear the bell ring from inside of the school.

"We need to get heading inside, baby. I think we've both missed enough classes in the last few days." I murmur softly, leaning up and kissing the top of his head. He gives a small huff, lifting his head up to look at me with a small pout. Though, it soon turns to a small smile as he leans down and pecks my lips lightly before nodding his head.

"Okay, Hobi."

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