Chapter 23

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Jimin POV

Tae pouts in response to my answer, but nods his head before laying it back down. I sigh, feeling like he didn't take it the way that I was hoping he would as I continue rubbing his back gently.

"You okay, baby?" I ask softly, reaching over to the other side of his bed so that I can pull the covers back over us, noticing Tae trying not to shiver. He eases up instantly as his blankets and covers wrap over us, nuzzling into me a little bit more, but not at all as tensed up and as cold as he had been just seconds before.

"Why do you think Hobi likes me though? He can't. He doesn't. He didn't even mean to kiss me yesterday." Tae mumbles tiredly as he snuggles into me just a tiny bit more, moving around a bit to get comfy.

"Baby, Hobi loves you more than words could probably express. He's just got a lot going on at home right now and needs to sort out a few priorities. Okay? He didn't mean any harm by what he said this morning, Tae. You asked and he answered exactly to what you asked. He didn't mean or plan on kissing you, but he certainly didn't regret it. He's definitely glad that he ended up kissing you. Alrighty, baby?" I try to explain softly, not entirely sure of the best way to word it.

I have to be honest, I'm not quite certain why I'm defending Hoseok right now. I'm not really too sure that I'm on his side this round. He should've thought it all through a little bit better than what he did, worded his response more appropriately. He shouldn't have fucking kissed Tae when he wasn't even sure that he'd want to date him, that he'd have the fucking balls to date him. I won't lie, I would truthfully love to date Taehyung. He's adorable and sweet and kind and caring and just an amazing person overall. Hoseok has feelings for him though, and I'm not going to overstep that. As much as I'm truly pissed about what he's done to Tae, he's still my best friend. And, until he decides that he isn't going to date Tae, and admits that he's going to have to give up on him, then I'm not going to bother trying to make a move. I'd love to just take him from Hobi now, kiss him and tell him that I'll make it all better and that I'm definitely not unsure of him and that I wouldn't leave him. And it's killing me not to do that right now. But, I'm gonna force myself to stick with Hoseok. I'll defend him until he's made his decision if he can't date Tae.

So, for now, I lay here cuddled up with Taehyung and just holding, providing him with as much comfort as I possibly can without offering to take it all away.

"It doesn't feel that way though. He kissed me once and that was it. And he even said that he only did it in the heat of the moment." Taehyung mumbles, sounding cutely frustrated before he huffs quietly with an adorable pout.

I just bite my lip, averting my gaze up to the ceiling above us instead.

"I know, sweetheart. I know. It'll get better though, Tae. You just gotta give him some time to think things through, baby. He's usually not like this, acting without thinking, I promise." I sigh softly. He just whimpers quietly though, shaking his head against my chest as he pulls me a little tighter into him.

He falls silent at this point, and I just watch with a small smile as he slowly begins to drift off to sleep. Brushing my fingers through his hair lightly to help him sleep, it certainly seems to do the trick as his breathing regulates just a little bit there after, his entire body relaxing as he falls fast asleep.

I just smile to myself, looking back up to the ceiling above us. Even if I can't date him, at least I can comfort him and be there for him. Being a best friend to him isn't as good as dating him, but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing and I guess I can certainly take it. It's definitely a lot better than if I couldn't have him or be around him at all.

So, with those thoughts in mind, I let my eyes slowly flutter shut, slowly beginning to fall asleep with how comfortable I am right here with him right now. Thankfully, it doesn't take long, and I soon find myself getting engulfed into the sweet darkness of sleep that happily welcomes me after the morning we've had.

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