Chapter 11

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Hoseok POV

Sitting up here on the rooftop alone now, I bite my lip and begin to wonder. Tae had said earlier when he first came up that he was gonna keep me company up here until I was ready to go back inside and attend classes. Yet, it's lunchtime and he's left me... Is he going to come back up here after lunch? Is he tired of me already and just done waiting for me to come to class with him? I mean, hell, he's already got Jimin there for him. He could easily abandon me for Jimin considering he's a lot more open and up front about shit, and he's not trying to skip classes either.

I sigh, resting my chin on the tops of my knees as I stare out at the view in front of me. Most days, I'd be happy to be here and seeing everything. Though, if this were most days, I also wouldn't be up here.

The fact that Tae went inside and already knew he had Jimin waiting on him hurts a little, honestly. I know it's selfish of me, but I don't want to share him. I don't want anyone to take him away from me too. I just want to stay curled up with him and be able to hold him and...

I chuckle dryly, shaking my head at myself. I have no chance with Taehyung. Not for a single second. He's already got Jimin by his side and ready to help him with everything. Jimin who's always in a fairly good mood, kind, caring, definitely outgoing though. And Jimin isn't bad looking either. He could easily steal Tae away from me. Especially right now with everything going on and my lack of motivation to do a whole hell of a lot.

I mentally swear at myself, wondering if I might've had more of a chance with Tae if I wasn't dealing with the loss of my mother. If I'd have had more of a chance if I hadn't been best friends with Jimin.

The what if's quickly begin to consume my mind and I find myself constantly shaking my head every couple of minutes at myself. Sitting here and wondering won't work. It won't get me anywhere. The only thing that would get me answers is actually doing shit, yet that seems to be exactly the problem right now. Hell, even if I did have a chance with Taehyung, and he actually wanted to date me, I'd still lose my chance because I hardly have any drive to do shit.

My classes suddenly have to be top priority, as if they already weren't, and my grades have to suddenly be the best of the best. I'm no longer allowed to go do the shit that I want to do, making it even harder to cope. No more hanging out with friends outside of school. No more dance classes. If I'm outside of school, I'd better be doing homework or studying or something school related.

How the hell would I be able to try and manage a relationship on top of that? How would I be able to properly be in a relationship and give Taehyung the time and attention that he deserves, when I'm bound to fucking school till the day I get the fuck out?

I'm pulled from my thoughts by the sound of the rooftop door opening. My head picks up, my attention perking as I spin my head around to look in the direction of the door. I'm completely taken aback though, happily surprised by what I see.

Entering out onto the roof with me is my pink haired best friend, and my favorite brunette newbie. Jimin's got a tray of food in his hands, Taehyung with two trays, and both of them with a smile on their faces as they make their way over to me.

"Tae? What're you two doing?" I ask quietly, feeling myself grow mildly shy by all of this suddenly. Tae gives me one of his beautiful boxy smiles though, coming and sitting down beside me with Jimin on my other side.

"We wanted to bring you lunch. Just because you're not feeling up to going inside with everyone else right now, doesn't mean that you should be skipping lunch altogether. Besides, I told you I'd stay up here with you until you were ready to head inside for classes." Tae explains kindly with a sweet smile, handing over the second tray of food in his hands.

I bite my lip shyly, taking it from his hands as I spread my legs out so that I can rest the food on my lap. Smiling over at Tae and making sure to glance over at Jimin to give him the attention I know he's needing, I feel incredibly grateful to have these two by my side.

"Thank you guys. And, I'm sorry about earlier, Jiminie. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

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