Chapter 29

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Hoseok POV

Luckily, it's one of the days where the dance studio is open to only its staff. And beings that it's Friday, all of the staff are out of office today, going out and doing other shit rather than wasting their time here.

As I flop to the floor tiredly, Tae comes over and sits next to me with a giant grin. I can't help myself as I smile up at him, cupping his cheek lightly.

"I love seeing you so smily and happy, baby. I don't ever wanna see you so sad and down again." I murmur softly, watching contently as he blushes and runs a hand through his hair, averting his gaze away from me and out towards the other side of the room.

"You're a really good dancer, Hobi. You're so graceful and powerful with each of your movements. I wish I could dance like you." Tae mumbles shyly with a small smile of his own, glancing over at me before looking away again. I chuckle softly, grabbing his hand and gently pulling him down to me so that we're in a similar position as what we'd been in on the roof the other day. He grins down at me, looking so unbelievably adorable as he snuggles his head into my chest, causing me to laugh lightly once more at his shy behavior.

"You're so adorable when you're shy, baby. I love you so much." I tell him happily, wishing we could stay like this forever. I feel him try to bury his head into my chest, causing me to laugh all over again before he finally looks up at me shyly with flushed cheeks.

"I love you too, Hobi." Tae whispers quietly with a small smile of his own before the door to the place suddenly bursts open. We both jolt up into a sitting position, Tae still very much leaned into me as we both look over in the direction of the doorway, my heart sinking at the sight of my father stood there with a dark glare.

"Jung Hoseok, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Appa growls angrily, nostrils flared as his eyes darken in color. My entire body tenses at the sight of him, not having expected any of this to happen the way it's happening now. Though, I'm surprised when Tae leans into me more, seemingly growing protective as he returns my father's glare.

"He's living his life the way he wants to live it so that he can be fucking happy, asshole." Tae snaps coldly, catching me completely off guard by the sudden change in personality. Though, I don't mind it and I'm certainly not gonna argue it, kind of feeling the need for the roles to be reversed at the moment so that I can be the one protected from my father for once.

"And who the fuck do you think you are? Do you have any idea who the fuck I am?" Appa scoffs darkly. Tae rolls his eyes, wrapping an arm around my waist as he pulls me into his side.

"Clearly, you've got to be the fuckhead who claims to be my boyfriend's father. But all I see in front of me is a bitch who only cares for himself." Tae responds back in a snotty tone, impressing and surprising the hell out of me. I never would've guessed that the cute and sweet boy who never seemed to be able to actually stand up for himself, could ever be so cold and calm like this.

"My son will not be dating another male ever. He's not wasting his time with some pathetic guy like yourself." Appa shoots back, beginning to stalk towards us. I wrap my arms around Tae protectively, pulling him onto my lap as I glare at my father over Tae's shoulder.

"Don't you dare come over here and lay a hand on either of us. He's my boyfriend and I'm not leaving him. I'm done fucking around by your rules, because it's a shitty fucking lifestyle to live. I'll happily fucking leave you, Appa, it I'm not leaving the best thing that's happened to me. I'm not leaving someone who understands that it's necessary to grieve when you've lost someone. Someone who fucking understands that life isn't all about fucking business and that everyone needs to feel shit sometimes. I'm done living by your rules. I'm done playing your games." I finally speak up, entirely fed up with all of this by now.

Appa stops in his tracks, still looking utterly pissed with me. I don't care though, having lost the ability to care for the man who was never around and never there for me.

"Fine. I'm not raising a rebelling, trouble making kid. You wanna get the fuck out so bad? Go the hell home and pack your shit. I want you out before fucking midnight."

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