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I don't know why I thought that it would get better. That it even could. I was living in my fantasy world while it lasted. But this revelation hit me hard. Reality is a hard pill to swallow.

When I finally gathered enough strength for me to stand and walk, I headed to my dorm. I'd been pushed past my breaking point. However, as I wobbled towards UA, I already knew She was watching me. She's always been watching.

By the time I got back, it was already dark. There was nobody outside because of the curfew but it was better that way I guess. No one to ask what happened and give their fake pity. I learned that got you nowhere. I snuck into my room and packed my things. I couldn't stand to in that place a moment longer.

I used to dream of coming to UA, but when I took a step back and looked at it, UA was no different. In UA, only your quirk and status mattered. They don't like people like me. Someone who can defeat a strong quirk without ever having one of his own.

I found out that it wasn't just a select few that hated the quirkless, it was all of them. These "heroes" are nothing more than attention seeking brats and money hungry pigs. There was nothing glorious about that. I didn't see any justice. They never cared about that. If they did, then where was the justice for the weak who are beaten up? But that's just the thing. There is none.

As I walked towards to gates of UA, I noticed there was someone following me. I couldn't confront them since there was no way to explain this situation. But that didn't matter. They wouldn't be following for much longer. They wouldn't know where to go.

I kept walking until I knew for sure where she was. I ran a corner and got out of my trailers view and earshot. I looked at the person now facing me. I stated straight into their eyes and smiled.

"Make it look like an accident."

I ran straight back the way I came. I couldn't have anyone getting suspicious already. The girl I left was sure to be confused, but I knew she would figure it out. She just had to put two and two together.

As I finally got it the gate, I felt eyes on the back of my head. So she was still watching. Good. I walked through the gate but stopped. This was it.

The person behind would be too far away to help me when someone would grab me from behind and muffle my "screams."  All they could do was watch me as I was taken into the night, and tell it that way to everyone else. Just how I wanted. Midoriya didn't leave; he was taken.

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