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Hello guys! This isn't a chapter, but a chapter will still be posted today! or tomorrow. It's like midnight so call it whatever. Just know this isn't replacing a chapter.

I'm just letting you guys know that I'm going to be editing some chapters and fixing some things up! I never really understood how the notification system worked on Wattpad, so if you guys get like ten notifications in a day, I'm sorry. I'm still posting new chapters daily, though.

Another thing. This is just a heads up for y'all. I don't know if I said this yet, but I don't plan when I write. Everything is done free hand. I might like "plan" a few chapters or basically just be like "ya! I'll do that for the next scene!" But that's as much planning as goes into this. I never was one to have a plan.

This is also why my first chapters were so suckish. And don't lie. They weren't very good. They even confused me, the author. I tried being cool and using different techniques and stuff but that just totally back fired.

I might end up totally rewriting them in the future but the future is the future. I'll probably do that when I hit a writers block on what to write next. But that won't be for a while. My brains been on over drive and I'm currently writing chapter 32. I might start doing big block updates on Friday's but we'll see.

I do technicallyish have someone who is an "editor" for me. They're just there to tell me if the story falls off the rocker. With no plan, things can go sideways really fast. They're there to help make sure that doesn't happen. But they haven't exactly watched the anime or read the manga, so they aren't really qualified but ya know, none of my other friends are qualified or even on Wattpad so, you know, it is what it is.

Just tell me if my story starts looking like it's on drugs or like it jumped off a cliff into its inevitable doom. It'd be appreciated. Especially since the story is in its early stages.

I also wanted to thank everyone for actually reading my book and getting this far into it! There are so many books for this type of fanfic, not only in total mha, but in just villain deku au's.

I hope for you to stick around for a bit or until I completely forget about this again and stop posting. I'm going to try not to do that but I don't like making promises. I tend to break those.

I hope y'all have a good summer vacation! I'm on mine like I've said before. So more chapters! If you're not out yet, just hang in there! The summer awaits you! And if you don't fall under either of these categories, just have a good day, week, year, life. Oh wait... nvm. There's no such things as a good life. Just good moments. Life tends to hate us. That's why there's the imagination. To escape reality. I wish people who think we're weird because we like fictional stuff realize that. We aren't unaware of reality, we just know it too well, so we wish to escape it. God this got depressing. I'm probably gonna do a rant on that now.


An update soon. Lots of editing to do. And umm ya. I think that's it. I don't really know. I got really off track here. I fear for this book. I type how I talk/think and my brain works a mile a minute. And Im off topics again. I'm just gonna go before this gets even worse. So see ya!  Umm ya. Bye!!!

Nope still here. Don't know why but my brain isn't working and why am I still typing? I don't know.  I just am. I need to get my life together. But wait. I don't have a life! So I have nothing to put together. I should get a life first.

This is depressing again.

Lol this is like twice as long as a chapter.

Do you see how my mind doesn't like to stay in one place? It likes to wonder. I'm going actually go now.

I need help lol

(700+ words of me messing around lmao)

See ya birches!

carp *snickers*
(only one person will get it- inside joke)

I'll leave now... for all our sakes.

Lol kay






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