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"Let's start easy. Test the waters."

I felt a tingling in my head.

"What is your gender?"

I wasn't the one to respond. Rim Reader did.

"He's male."

"That was a really stupid question."

"TRUTH." Seriously? That again.

"Oh just chill it four eyes!" I was not in the mood for that every time I talked.

Eraserhead just continued. "Favorite color."

So did Rim Reader. "He likes green."




"I'm getting a lot of meats."

"Okay. Number?"


This conversation continued just as boring... for awhile.


Pain wreaked through my body. I let out little noise, but it hurt like hell. I was shaking in my chair and trying to completely hold my voice. But I refused to scream.

I'm sure everyone could see my state at the moment. "Continue it." I guess that doesn't matter. The pain worsened and was failing at holding my voice. My knuckles were white and I felt like my head was about to pop open.

"It's... all fuzzy." Rim Reader. "I can't get anything clear. He pushed one more time before he let his hold go.

I was gasping for air and shaking tremendously. Great. Now I feel more like crap.

"Why can't we find your name?"

"Huh?" I looked at Eraserhead. I completely forgot he was there.

"Why can't we pin a name down to you? You name is indeed Aishi. Right?"

My eyes widened. That got my attention. "Frick. I forgot you knew about that." It was mostly muttered under my breath, but it could still be heard. I look him in the eyes.

"TRUTH." Could Iida not shut up?

"Don't hurt them."

"Excuse me?"

"They has nothing to do with this. They didn't even know. I know you know." I repeated myself. "Don't hurt them."


Something in Eraserhead's head clicked. "You mean the orphans." His softened for a second but it didn't stay. "That's not for you to decide."

I glared at him again. He better not lay a finger on them.

"Again. Why is it so difficult for him to get a name out of you?"

"I-..." I shut my mouth. Crap. This was going to be a problem. I knew it related to my quirk somehow. I wasn't going to tell them that. Why would I? They were just pissing me off. I redirected my eyes to the table in between us.

"Fine then. We'll move on." Thank god.

"How old are you?" That's like the worse possible question he could of asked. I knew what was coming.

"Sh*t." The pain started again.

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