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I took his hand and pulled him up. "Ok Max. How about we get you cleaned up."

He just nodded and let me lead him to the park. We sat on a bench and I called Nagisa to come with some supplies. In the meantime, I asked Max to tell me what happened. He didn't seem to like talking about it.

"Well, I... umm... I was trying to help my friend. But... b-but I didn't know w-what to do. *hic* They were being m-mean to h-him and I... I... *hic* umm... so they were umm... hurting him a-and I was j-just trying to help *hic* b-but... I didn't e-even do anything. I-I just made *hic* it worse... and t-then... they hurt...me too... and... and..."

He started sobbing again when he finished and I couldn't blame him. He was really little for that to already happen to him. I knew it was head for me.

I let him cry on my shirt and petted his head. No wonder he had cuts all over him. I let him cry it out and when he finished he just curled up next to me and didn't say anything.

Nagisa finally arrived with some medical supplies and looked the boy down. He gave me a questioning look meaning "I definitely need an explanation after I'm done here."

He made the boy take off his shirt and we saw it was worse than we initially thought. He had a giant scorch mark across his back and a big cut across his chest.

Nagisa gave me a worried look as he started assessing the rest of his body. He was seriously beat bad.

He asked him if he had his quirk yet, and he sad he didn't. That explained why the fight was so one sided. He then asked if he had any family, and he told us that his older sister took care of him.

Nagisa did the best he could with what he had and said he needed to take him back so he could treat his wounds more. I nodded and bent down to Max's height.

"Hey Max. This here is Nagisa, and he's going to take you somewhere where we can help you some more okay? He'll make you feel all better."

Max just nodded and took Nagisa's hand. He headed back to Heroes Houses.

I got up and decide to head back to. The attack was going to happen soon after all.

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