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Do they have to act so surprised?

"Yes. It's true." I had everybody's attention. "My group, a villain group, founded and ran Hero's Houses. Well, up until now. We can't really run it anymore with you people knowing. Well have to pass it to you guys or something."

"Then who's Blake?"


"The kid Aizawa took."

"Oh ya... she's an orphan. About four years old. She doesn't even have her quirk yet. We took her in after her parents were killed during a League attack. She was an only child, but now she has 36 brothers and sisters." I was shaking. "So if you lay one damned finger on her... I might actually feel the need to kill someone for once." My eyes were flickering red.

Arms wrapped around me from behind. "It's okay. Well make sure she isn't hurt. Just please answer our questions." Uraraka squeezes and little harder.

She was warm and comforting. The adrenalin left my body, sensing the danger leaving. My eyes grew heavy. "Thank you." I was at my limit. My eyes shut. I drifted off to sleep. Slowly calming down, my breathing became regular again.


I woke up to a hand against my mouth. I looked at him and nodded. He took his hand off. I mouthed "49" to him and he nodded back. He disappeared right before the lights turned on.

"Look who's *ss is finally awake." Why'd it have to be Bakugou.

I let out an annoyed huff. Anyone but him.

He walked over and put a tray of food at my feet, where I couldn't reach it. Uraraka came from behind him, smacked him on top his head, and pushed him out the door with a simple "Go."

She let out a sigh when he finally left.

"I'm sorry about him. He can be a jerk sometimes."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe most of the time. But I won't starve you like him." She walked over to me and picked up the tray of food. She sat in the table in front of me with the tray on her lap.

"You need to eat."

I replied with a short, "I'm fine."

While she was staring me down, my stomach betrayed me. It growled, really loudly. I slightly blushed as Uraraka started feeding me. I couldn't really protest now.

When we finished, I thanked her. She just hummed in response.

"You should get out of here."

"Excuse me?"

"You need to leave. It's not safe for you here."

"Not safe for me? I'm not tied to a chair."

"But only for now."


"Just leave!"

Everything around us violently shook.

Too late.

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