1. Work

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Jeon Jungkook, the president of the Pharmaceutical companies all over Korea and Japan works as hard as he could to make it to the top. He is also nominated as one of the most handsome men all around the world which increased his popularity even more.


Jungkook's POV

"Phew, I did it in time", I thought not realising I said upfront.

My secretary Lisa looked at me confused,"You okay?".

Nope not at all. Do you see the pile of papers in front of me.

"Yes, Lisa, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Why do you ask?"

Lisa looked at me up and down not down actually because I'm seating.

"Sorry to say this boss but you look sluggish", she said hiding her face and looking away.

"I'm sorry?"

She looked at me and said, "Sorry boss".

"Don't I look active?"

"Sorry boss you don't". (Go Lisa *Fangirling*)

"Ah... Okay!" was all I could say before getting up for a cup of coffee.

Maybe I do look sluggish? Who cares?

Sometimes I pity Lisa to be so straight forward and all but sometimes I like it and support her but because of her truth she was fired from 12 companies. I find it cute in some way though.

I took a sip of my coffee and looked at the time. "Oh my freaking--"

Before I could finish I heard Lisa say," Not Today boss. And also you just missed your dinner with Mr. Jeon( Jungkook's dad). But to your surprise I must add that he is coming to look around plus I will come to your funeral so boss fighting!"

Before I could even take the situation in she left that's right she left me.... I was uncertain about my father's visit so I didn't pay much attention and of course I knew he was busy so that lessens the chances of him meeting me...

But to take precautions I combed my hair and applied the concealer Lisa brought for me saying that I looked like a warthog and so I took it. But I must say I do look good with it.

Few moments later

I heard a clack of the door and knew who it was.

"Hey dad, whassup. You look so handsome."

"Nice try after dumping me in front of the restaurant", my dad said.

"But I had WORK!!", I pointed towards the pile which I just read and approved.

All my dad was sigh and came close to me. Honestly I was scared. Scared that he might yell at me for not completing the rest pile and giving lecture. But what happened next shook me and I even pretended to scratch my ear as I couldn't believe what he just said.
Hey guys. Sorry if the first part is boring but bear with me cebause(because) I have a lot to share.
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