5. Aww Moment

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I arrived at the gate all sweaty and I ran in and asked for the reservation of my name.

A sweet lady gestured me to follow her and soon after I heard that my dad was laughing and giggling.

Sweet lady: This is where I leave you sir. Have fun!

Jungkook: Thank you.

I bowed to her and she bowed me back and left. I wanted to go in but my dad came right out laughing.

Dad: Wait here, I will call my --! Oh my look who is here finally. My dear son. You do realise what time it is right?

Jungkook: Sorry dad, I couldn't escape the meeting. Btw dad why were you laughing?

Dad: Oh that's because a certain someone decided to be late, so they kept me company.

Jungkook: Dad, I'm really sorry okay. Now let's eat!

Dad: Yah! First rinse up yourself. You stink

Jungkook: Do I? Oh yeah I do. Wait for me.

And here I thought he would be angry. I quickly washed my face and started spraying my deo all over. Till it was fragrant enough.

Jungkook: Dad?

Dad: Oh hi! This is my son Jungkook. They are Kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok.

Hoseok: Hi Kookie! Call me Hobi or J-hope. Whatever you want

Taehyung: Hello Jungkook. I'm Kim Taehyung. You can call me V or Tae. Your choice.

Jungkook: I too should have two nicknames then.

Taehyung (giggle): Yeah but I must say you are very cute and handsome up front

Jungkook: Uh... Thanks?

Hoseok: Yah! V~! I'm still here!

Taehyung: I know babe

Jungkook: Babe?

Dad: Oh you see they are boyfriend and boyfriend. Sheesh it's hard to explain.

Taehyung: It isn't. But yeah we are in a relationship to clear your doubt.

Jungkook: That's... Good. Now shall we eat?

Hoseok: Maybe next time. But we are sure to give a call and please call me Hobi hyung once Kookie!

Jungkook: Hobi hyung.

Hobi hyung or whatever is his name pulled me close in an embrace and bid me farewell.

Taehyung: Don't mind my boyfriend. He is weird but the best when you know him.

Taehyung bowed and took my right hand and kissed the back of it while bidding me farewell.

Jungkook:..... And I just lost my appetite.

Dad: well they were funny. At the very least unlike someone who knows nothing but work.

Jungkook: Dad. Let's. Eat. You. Must. Be. Hungry. Right!

Dad: Super Scary mode activated successfully DING!

Jungkook: Now come on dad. Let's finish before tomorrow. We have a big day tomorrow. We are going to Sokcho, 5am in morning. You don't want to be late now, do you?

Dad: You know I love you Son!

Jungkook: You love me only when you have something in return. Stop hugging me dad. Sit and eat!

Dad: As you say, my lord.

We ate so much that I almost thought my stomach wouldn't last long. After we finished we took a long walk home. Nothing but silence filling the air. No one uttering a single sound. Until I saw an Iron-man shop.

Dad: Let's in.

Jungkook: Gladly!

I played almost every iron man game and won so many coins. I was fully loaded and happy. I put all of them on the counter to get an iron man game console and it's Lego movie. Suddenly I heard CLICK! I looked at my dad who was busy taking my photos.

 Suddenly I heard CLICK! I looked at my dad who was busy taking my photos

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Dad: what? You looked so cute. I had to take your picture. Look at those bunny teeth!!

Jungkook: Dad stop! The counter lady is looking at me.(shyly)

The counter lady gave me my console and movie along with Iron-man socks. She smiled at me and said, " You can choose a sticker if you want. It's on me."

Jungkook: Are you kidding me? Yes!!!

Counter lady: My pleasure.

I then searched for the best one and handed it to her and told her to wait.

Jungkook: Can you wait here with her dad? I will come in after a few minutes again.

I walked out and entered the most expensive shops and took the most expensive ring as a gift to her.

Jungkook: Here you go.

Counter Lady: It's so beautiful! No I can't!

Jungkook: I don't see why not!! Take it you are worth it!

Counter lady(crying): Thank you so much sir! I'm forever indebted to you.

Jungkook: Nuh-uh! Just give me your number and we will be in contact. How does that sound?

Counter Lady( while hugging me): That's perfect! Thank you again sir!

I bid her farewell and walked again. Silence throughout the lane. I can see from the corner of my eyes that my dad was smiling!

Dad: I'm so proud to be your father! This is the first time I have ever been this proud! I'm so happy! I love you so much Jungkookie!

I have never seen my dad like this.... Not after my mother died

It was a good change!
I love you too dad! I love you more than anything in this world!
I hope you like it
Cebause this is my first time reaching 5th chapter!
Thank you!! *bows* (_°•°_)

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